xix : Crush

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Crush: (1) An acute feeling when you like a person, also known as puppy love


Crush? That word felt like a torpedo or a tornado of emotions and feelings, well for namjoon it was but when jungkook called it out nothing happened not suffocation no racing heart so what made it different than what he normally would feel, "Do you?" "Do I what?" the eye roll making him laugh, "Do you have acrush on jin's sister?" shaking his head jungkook glanced away thinking again.

"Don't think too hard, you might get a headache," laughing briefly before jungkook made a face that was told namjoon all the answers, attempting to run away jungkook grabbed his arm, "Do you have a crush on seokjin!?" shushing him he nods hesitantly, "It's about time someone called him out about it," both male look over their shoulder as they seen taehyung holding a baby looking back at each other confused, they point at the addition, "It's Soojin's and Seokjin's nephew, and jeez i would've thought jungkook already knew about your long term crush joon,"

Rolling his eyes he gets handed the baby, "Why are you trusting me with something that is more fragile than glass?" "Actually glass can be harder than most rocks we just manipulate it to be more fragale," groaning he takes the baby, taehyung moving his hands for proper support, "Now go and propose to seokjinnie, i want him as nephew too," blushing taehyung pushes him the direction needed.

Approaching the siblings, namjoon glances back unable to find the culprits that put him up to this, "Oh, hey namjoon," Soojin said with a wide smile, saying hi back hands her the baby, as she called back to her mother, "Sorry for being rude earlier," he says grabbing seokjin's arm, his soft smile lighting up namjoons whole world, "It's fine Joon, i mean it wasn't your fault jungkook and taehyung made you all have an intense practice,"

Laughing at the actual truth, Namjoon realized he was still holding onto Seokjin's wrist, letting go, he took a step back, "Sorry, uhm so why did you come?" watching him bite his lip namjoon hitched his gaze, "I actually wanted to talk to you," looking back at him he saw his emotion darken, "Are you mad at me?" he shook his head, "You must be, like, i feel like you don't want to be around me anymore," shaking his head again namjoon takes the olders hands.

"Why would I ever not want to be around you, I've been around you since middle school," getting his stifled laugh namjoon continued, stopping when a hand grabbed his shoulder, "Seokjin, it's time to go," the man says, asking for a little more time he rolls his eyes, "I'm sorry, but i have to go, I'll see you tomorrow yes?" nodding he lets go of his hands, telling him bye and leaving himself, feeling like the world was stopping as he gave up his one opportunity.

▪︎ The poor baby :(

▪︎ Sorry for the sudden mood change i'll make it up next chapter I promise, anyway I hoped you all enjoyed, love yous 

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