xi : Distrust

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𝕂 . 𝕋 ℍ

Distrust: (1) the opposite of trust


¡trigger warning!

Trust something that is not easily manifested as its gained, but in a family trust is just supposed to be there, the foundation as it took trust to create a family, but sometimes that trust is just a show to fit in, once the doors close anything could happen behind the walls, everything is almost acted on in public, true colors only show in private.

like the jeon family, it was simple consisted of mother, father and son and like a show when the curtains rose they acted like the perfect family, but when the curtains closed everyone’s true colors showed, the mother secretary of a company, on the outside is loveable and bubbly on the inside she drowning herself with either the cheapest or most expensive type of liquor, the father in a family business.

Jungkook was funny though knowing that act played by them as a whole he try to avoid, avoke the audience and show what hides, naturally he's closer to his mother, a drunk or not she still devoted herself for him, but his father was what he called his personal devil, since he was little he'd wish his parents divorce but he knew his mother was deeply in love and he never wants to hurt her so he let his abuse happen. So getting called down randomly in the day brought him no surprise.

“Keep practicing I’ll be back,” seeing taehyung's nod he left to the office, thinking what he could’ve possible done now he enters the principal's office, the makeout happening between one of the ladies and his father he gagged getting their attention watching the lady scurry out of the office, “You’re so gross,” he says closing the door and leaning on it “what do you want?.

His deep laugh sending shivers down his back, “It’s funny, you come down here with multiple people and you act all shy then when solo you act like you’re the alpha of this joint,” rolling his eyes he laughs back, “At least I wouldn’t cheat on the person that made me their number one,” “You’re mother’s off loving some booze, she only keeps me because you’ll never man up enough,” hitching his breath jungkook moves to his desk “You don’t seem too manly yourself,”

Regret something that rushed through the boys body as that statement left his mouth, the sting on his cheek almost making him lose his balance showed just a piece of his anger, “Remember your place boy,” moving his hand to his nose he curses under his breath just as another heavy hand hit his face making him fall, “Girls shouldn’t be allowed to curse,” sucking his teeth he looks back up, “Then why are you cursing,” jungkook know he should just keep his mouth shut and stick to the scripted but he was through with playing this play.

“Go ahead, hit me, kick me, punch me, it won’t make you anymore a man,” his words stronger than what he thought, “You wouldn’t know what make a man and wouldn’t” standing back up jungkook wipes his bleeding nose turning around, “Grandpa is more a man than you’ll ever be,” “shut up, you never knew my dad,” glancing back he shrugs, “he at least knew how to love his children and grand-childern,” another hit was given, jungkook could care less.

“What did i tell you about remebering your place,” “Screw what place I’m in it’s not going to shut me up,” if we’re going to be honest this was the first time jungkook would really fight back, his new vigor was very dangerous and testing, when his dad didn’t answer he kept going, speaking his mind that could get him killed if he did it more often,when he stopped it was like they both were dumb highschool students fighting for one stupid thing, the whole thing stopping when a knock was on the door.

“Leave,” the older male said fixing both his hair and suit, wiping his mouth jungkook left through the back door, running into the bathroom to clean himself up, the opening door scaring him, “Wow kook, what has you so jumpy,” laughing softly at his best friends comment he leans on the sink, “Nothing, you cutting class joon?” he shook his head, “My mom would kill me,” raising an eyebrow causing namjoon to break his act.

 “Any way, I’m glad I ran into you,” “yea?” he nods leaning on the wall, “Is it true?” tilting his head namjoon sighed, “You gave my brother a hickey?” feeling his face flush a bit he shook his head, “I mean, there's no bruises on his neck-” “How’d you know it was his neck?” feeling sweat build up on his head he stands back up, “I’ve got to go, my dad still expecting me-” “No he isn’t you just got away from him,” sucking his teeth slightly he nods namjoon sighing, “It’s best if you just tell me kook, did you?” sighing jungkook nods namjoon stopping him from leaving again, “Thanks and just a word of warning, just ask him if he’s ready, don’t force him into anything,”

notting his brows jungkook leaves, walking back into the piano room, and forcing lisa to leave, looking back at taehyung he knew something was up, so when he asked all borders went up, he doesn’t want to included taehyung in anything, risk his safety, even if he was going to be persistent, eventually breaking everything down, “Why?” “I don’t know why, if i did i would’ve said it,” jungkook says still a dying fire from the actions earlier, “Lisa didn’t bother you much, no?” watching him shake his head he turns back to the piano.

The words namjoon spoke and the memory of the storm running in his head forming a couple of questions, “Why don’t you appreciate yourself” his huffy laugh caused jungkook to turn more to him, “I just don’t, i don’t deserve to, when you’re like me you just can’t no matter how hard you try you… you can’t,” “Why, taehyung i want you to tell me why,” jungkook states, taehyung's blank face trying to block jungkook out and push him away wasn’t much help, “Please tae,” “M-my dad…”

▪︎ No comment from me is appropriate but feel free to express yourselves

▪︎ FYI the next chapter is going to be way longer especially since it's my original backstory, just a little FYI, anyway hope you all enjoyed, love yous

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