xxiii : Fate pt.1

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Fate: (1) A supernatural development that is uncontrollable; (2) The outcome or destiny of an action


Fate is silly, well in a way it's silly. Fate could be seen as an bad omen or a good one but that's off the point, fate is silly in a mysterious way, fate is normally presided with Greek mythology as fate was the decision of life or death by three sisters, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, they were and are fate as they have the ultimate decision of life and death, its says that once born you get a string, that sting is your life span and if the sisters deemed necessary they cut the string ending the life.

But that's all Greek mythology, fate in current day and time is a outcome, weather its good or bad fate is the less apprehensive version of karma basically, its uncontrollable it just happens and that's an end to it, so fate must be in someone's control and that exactly what this girl was thinking.

"Lisa look," looking over at the three boys she sits up, as they hand her their phone, "What is this?" "That faggot nerd and jungkook," she glances up at Jinho, Hyungsik, and Minhyuk, "why were you all in the showers together?" "Just watch the damn video!" Hyungsik says sternly, pressing play she watches the video, making her feel some sort of way she hands Jinho back his phone, cringing at the sight, "What are you going to do now?" Lisa looks over at Rosè standing up, "I'm going to get him back," she says, pulling Jinho by his arm the other two following after them, Jennie wrapping her arm around Rosè as she sees her mood dwindle.

"I think it's time you look for someone else Rosè," she shakes her head, "Like what she's doing I'm going to do all I can to win her over," she says standing up "Where are you going?" "To find jungkook," Rosè runs into the school practically blind, where could the most popular boy in school be, checking every closet she stops remembering the last time when Lisa wanted to gang up on taehyung was in the corner next to the choir room, knocking before entering she sighs of relief.

"Hi Rosè," taehyung says with a wave, briefly smiling she looks behind herself making sure no one followed her, looking back with a sigh she walks to the piano, avoiding jungkook's hard glare, "Jinho recorded you guys in the showers," she says biting her lip wary of how loud she was being "He showed Lisa the video and now I'm sure they went to the office," "And your telling us this because?" sighing pretty roughly Rosè looks at Taehyung for any remorse, "Kook I think she's serious," nodding as she looks back at the piano top, "Why don't I believe you?" "Because I'm around Lisa like you are to taehyung,"

She glances back up, watching as jungkook was thinking, "What am I going to do, my dads going to kill me," he says obviously giving up, taehyung's chuckle getting their attention next, "Just lie, but also tell the truth, like how that video can count as pornography, which is illegal without someones consent," Both Rosè and Jungkook look at each other processing what taehyung just said, "You mean play with fate?" nodding he flashes his famous box smile, "But build up to that, like say it was photo shopped, or something," laughing Rosè comments on how it practically sounded like taehyung planned this before.

"Not a lie but basically it was to get namjoon out of detention," laughing some more they waited till the intercom came on calling Jungkook and Taehyung down, not expecting both to be called down they share a glance leaving the room, Rosè wishing them luck as they walked into the lion's den, fear boiling up to the tops of their heads as taehyung tugs on his sweater one last time making sure the proof on the video was covered as much as possible.

entering at different times they sit next to the four who held both faces of disgust and knowing, "Do you two know why you're here?" shaking their heads Mr. Jeon points to Jinho who passes them the phone, playing the video jungkook rolled his eyes as taehyung looked in the other direction, "Mind explaining why two boys were in the same shower cubical?" shaking their heads they hand jinho back his phone, "How would we know?" "Because it was you two in the video," denying that accusation everyone looks at Lisa as she huffs, "Then how did they get the video?" "Photoshop, and even if it wasn't, that clip is considered pornography, without the people in the videos consent it's illegal,"

holding back a laugh as minhyuk flicks jinho in the head, lisa points, "Why are you suddenly wearing a sweater then?" she asks pointing at taehyung whose been silent this whole time, "Because it's cold in my afternoon classes?" "Or you're hiding something," looking at hyunsik who was staring directly at his covered up neck, causing taehyung to subconsciously cover it with hands, "See you are, Just give up,"

▪︎ Ending it here for now, sorry lovely's

▪︎ I figure that putting this into two part gives me more flexibility, but i really am sorry for ending it so sudden, anyway I hoped you all enjoyed, love yous

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