vii : Fatigue

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𝕂 . 𝕋 ℍ

Fatigue: (1) A tired feeling; (2) the tiredness of muscles after working out


The fuzzy feeling usually felt when with a person you care for whether its emotionally, physically or verbally, it's an addictive feeling but this time it's sickening, it gets in the way of normal everyday activities as it feels like an active dream.

"Watch where you're going!" Looking up Taehyung groans and lowers his head in his brothers chest, shaking his arm out of his grip, "Thanks," he says "yea, Jungkook told me that you're part of the team so I came to get you," lifting his head Taehyung groans louder, showing his dissatisfaction.

Walking behind Namjoon they enter the gym, Namjoon immediately started running, sighing Taehyung set his stuff down only to get pulled by the arm, "you're late," says the last voice he wanted to here, “atleset I’m here,” he says pulling back his arm, “20 laps, don’t stop,” taehyung gives him a serious face, “You’re kidding right?” “No, every practice we run 20 laps, get running,” jungkook says before leaving taehyung, grabbing his gym clothes taehyung changes, comes back and starts to run.

He wasn’t going to shake off the fact that jungkook could be considered a bipolar freak literally, but he attempted to shake it off and use most his energy in running about half the laps given to him as he was already tired after three, “Hurry up Kim we’re all waiting for you,” he glances at jungkook rolling his eyes praying that he would be spared after his tenth one, “Stop,” he hears stopping almost immediately  holding his knees as he tried to catch his breath.

Looking up at jungkook as he lifted his chin, “Get some water, then start practicing your free throws,” allowing his head to fall back down taehyung cursed under his breath before following jungkook's instructions.

The next day didn’t seem to different, other than the fact that taehyung was stumbling over himself, taking a deep breath he almost felt ecstatic to see jimin in the hall, his next step felt heavy, that lifting his leg was almost lifting a 50 pound weight only to add another 50 with the other leg, lowering his head taehyung bit his tongue, stopping the cry that wanted to escape his mouth since he woke up, the arms wrapping around his neck surprised him, “You ok taehyung-ah?” Smiling at the concern in his best friend he nods his head.

“Just had a rough practice,” “Practice?” explaining to jimin everything that happened in a day leaving out the parts that he felt were more personal, “Oh, so does that mean you’ll be in the Varsity v JV team game later next week?” feeling his eyes bug taehyung lowers his head with a groan, on hearing the bell jimin grabs his arm, “Lets go,” “I-I can’t,” confusing his older taehyung shakes his head, “I can’t move my legs,” seeing jimin's face go into shock, he started looking around for someone, “Namjoon, jungkook-ah help please,” making a pouting face that didn’t phase jimin like it normally would, “One of you two please take Taetae to the nurse, no questions, thank you!” he says kissing the youngers cheek then running off.

“Well lets go,” shaking his head taehyung motions to his legs, getting similar faces he got from jimin, he tells both boys what was wrong, “have you tried to move them?” nodding he starts to whine, the pain and numbness making him feel like he wants to fall over, gasping as he’s lifted off the ground, “I’ll see you in class joon,” arriving at the nurse both boys watch as her face wasn’t her normal straight smiley face but actually a concerned face, “Please set him down, and do you mind staying just until i can write you a pass,”

Jungkook stood at the wall watching as the nurse walks over to him, “What happened dear?” “My legs feel n-numb and very heavy to t-the point that I couldn't even walk,” seeing her nod she asks if she could press on them a little, nodding she presses just above his knee, “Do you feel anything?” “Yes but no,” she continues to observe him, taking his temperature, his hight and wight as best as possible, “deary, you’re experiencing major fatigue, and are slightly underweight, when was the last time you had a full meal and water?”

it was embarrassing, he never knew his bad little habit would hurt him this bad “I had water yesterday, and I ate a acai bowl about three days ago,” nodding she turns over to jungkook, “He needs to rest, do you mind taking him home?” in the middle of protesting the nurse tops off her request causing jungkook to go along no matter what, carrying taehyung on his back the get to his car.

“Im not coming back,” “But you should,” looking over to momentarly paralized boy, turning on the radio and leaving the school , glancing over he noticed how tired taehyung actally was, “close your eyes, stop fighting it,” hearing his deep sigh jungkook looked over again smiling softly as taehyung had fallen asleep, it fading as soon as the light turned green, the song death bed had came on, singing the hook of the song jungkook turned off the radio even though the song continued to play in his head, “Love is stupid,” he says randomly, “What makes it stupid?” looking over at the now woken boy he just sighs.

“The effect is stupid, i mean everyone falls in love but when you fall out of it whats left?” he says answering the question with a question, “Well scientificlly no one person can just fall out of love,” “Then why do people break up?” jungkook asks looking over “Because it wasn’t their other half,” laughing a bit jungkook finishes off the thought.

“Greek mythololgy, the first human was born with four arm, four legs, and two faces as they were seperated by Zuse out of fear which ultimently created soulmates or starcrossed lovers also known as true lovers,” hearing a hum jungkook looks back at taehyung who was smiling like a dork “You didn’t hear me say that,” “No I heard you, and thats correct, everything but the myth part, Soulmates exist its just a never ending journey to find them,” sighing jungkook shakes his head, “still love is stupid,” “Whoever made you think that is stupid, love is beautiful and a part of life, you can’t escape it no matter what.,”

“Go back to sleep, please,” taehyung continued to stare at jungkook convinced that he might’ve gotten his point across, laying back down he closes his eyes attempting to go back to sleep, “Love isn’t stupid its terrifiing,” was the last thing that he offically heard before drifitng on a cloud.

▪︎ Wow I like this, like a genuinely like this chapter

▪︎ Tell what you all think I'm curious, anyway hope you enjoyed, Love yous!

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