xvi : Masquerade

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Masquerade: (1) A party including masks of all sorts either as costume or identity cover up; (2) A cover up act at an attempt to run away from something/one


School, not something that's willing to get repeated in a later chapter, but it's a place filled with learning and friends and the occasional boyfriend or girlfriend, its normal in highschool, as everyone feels like they're the shit and know every little thing, or they're just caught up with their highschool sweetheart or something, but in conclusion its just another thing to conquer in life.

Even the acts, the falsities from students and teachers, it's almost like a masquerade ball, but the mvp of all is of course the principal and his son, let's get this straight, they arranged the party the menu and the meeting so why wouldn't they have the spotlight, even outside the party they're still playing a masquerade. Just this time someone actually didn't have a mask.

"Jeon Jungkook!" The yell was demanding, faltering the very statue that sat on his bed, prying his new lovers hands off him as he scurried out his room, hoping the boy left in the room would stay put and not involve himself. "Yes?" "Why'd you cut class?" sighing he excelled down some stairs, "Why are you at my house?" his tested laugh was like a predator's stealth walk, "This isn't your house it's a summer home," shrugging he moves up a stair.

"So are you going to answer me?" Mentally telling him no jungkook sighs, "I left because of my face," the heartless laugh causing the boys legs to tremble slightly, "are you that much of a pussy to hide away?" Swallowing he shakes his head the man's face darkening, "then come down here and face me," shaking his head jungkook jumps as Mr. Jeon punches the wall, "Did i ask?" "N-no sir," he says leaving the stairs, the sight of taehyung's head peeking out the door made him nervous, the question his dad asked just drew more attention.

"Who's here?" Stuttering a nothing Mr. Jeon pulls back his hand, "Are you lying?" shaking his head the door opens as a lady enters the house, "Mom?" both males focus on the woman in a white blouse and dress pants, "Well isn't it my luck today, hi baby," she says, taking jungkook's slightly swollen face and kissing his cheek, "Why aren't you two at school?" both males share a glance, "I was making sure jungkook got home safely," "But why?" her butterfly blinks showing her confusion, "because he got into a fight," she gasps, setting down her purse and taking jungkooks face again examining it, "Oh no, you're getting a bruise on your eye, are you ok?" nodding in her hands she looks back at her husband.

"You can go back to work now Jeonsung, I'll take care of him," she says letting jungkooks face go and plants a kiss on her husbands face, mentally gagging jungkook watched as he mother walked his father to the car, retreating back upstairs and into his room, the unexpected hug surprised him of course, "Your dad is mean," "I know," he says patting taehyung's hair, "You should tell," "I know," feeling his face move to face him straight on, jungkook taking claim of taehyung lips, deepening the kiss as jungkook made sure taehyung's lips were his and his only, taehyung melting as jungkook cupped his ass noticing the hint of lust blooming in the kiss, the knock on the door breaking their connection, "Jungkook, who's this?"

▪︎ There's gonna be some drama coming up

▪︎ Mrs. Jeon has entered the chat, Also if you wanted to end the story at Love go ahead just think of this as a part two, anyway hoped you all enjoyed, love yous

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