xvii : Fear

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Fear: (1) Something that you're scared of


What's the biggest fear someone could come across, sure there's spiders or over sleeping but what about holes, or a really bad storm, cars or school, even your diary being pass around school, most of this stuff would be put in your diary, feuling your current enemy for revenge or just to start something.

But what about the fear of a parent or sibling walking in on you doing something that you know you shouldn't be doing, like smoking or doing drugs even drinking, but what if it was something you were trying to hide like magazines and clothes, or a relationship that either not supported or forbidden because of age, race or religion.

All this is nightmare fuel is it not? So are we living in a constant nightmare because most of this stuff happens when we least expect it to happen, like now, what are the odds of getting caught kissing the same gender that you just asked out? apparently high if you're not careful. So were jungkook and taehyung not being careful or were they just in the moment and forgetful?

Seeing Mrs. jeon standing in the door both boys pretty much repeated what they did in the garden house when Ms. Lee came in, Mrs. jeon introducing herself to taehyung, "You can call me Mrs. Soojung or Mrs. Jeon whichever is more comfortable for you," she says with a big smile, gasping and pulling taehyung to her bosom as she looks over at jungkook, "It's a boy!" "Yes, mom please let him go," apologising she lets go of taehyung brushing down his hair.

"Gosh you're so pretty, i was sure you were a girl, especially with your small frame and soft features," blushing at the complement he thanks her, her sweet facade changing when she glanced over to jungkook, "It's about time, i was sick of those girls you kept bringing over," she says sitting in a chair, her smile returning, "So how long?" both share a glance as they were confused with the vague question, "how long have you two been together?" "We just started," she laughs as she spins herself in the chair, "Really? it seemed like you two been through this rodeo before," they both shook their heads getting her shocked smile.

"Well thats ok, i ship it," she says tapping her feet on the floor, all her excitement stopping when a thought ran through her mind, "Jungkook, make sure your dad doesn't find out," nodding to her request as she smiles faintly, "Mom are you ok?" she nods remembering what she originally came here for, "Have you seen my Dolin Dry Vermouth? I might've left it here," shaking his head she pouts remembering another thing, "Oh I have to go, Taehyung I trust you'll take care of my son and keep him out of trouble?" nodding she says her goodbyes and leaves.

▪︎ All honesty this was a filler chapter

▪︎ Ah i don't know what to say, I just hope you all are enjoying this, it means a lot <3, anyway hoped you all enjoyed, love yous

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