xxviii : Diamonds

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Diamonds : (1) A shiny piece of coal, (2) The hardest substance without pressure on a specific spot.


Pearls, an opaque and usually round object that gets compared to tears, though tears are more like diamonds they're still salty like a newly made pearl. These salty diamonds are nothing new not to this boy, but this time he didn't cry, not like how he used too many years ago, "Where were you!? You scared the shit out of me Taehyung!" his mom yells, he remembered how much he feared his mom yelling at him, but he's older now, he's slowly being put back together like a jigsaw puzzle.

"Sorry, I don't mean to scare you," her sob replaced his, "I was so scared that you left me, that you offed yourself like you tried before," sighing he took the older lady into a hug, letting her cry, "It's ok mom, I promise everything has changed since I was what 14-" "You tried to kill yourself Taehyung, and on your birthday I'm scared you still might want to," shaking his head he brought her to the couch, grabbing a blanket and making two cups of hot chocolate.

"I don't know how many times we're going to tell each other sorry, but I promise I'm better," he says walking back with the hot cups filled with marshmallows, her fragile smile made Taehyung regret his younger self, sure he went through hell but that didn't mean to create another one for someone else, "And I was at my boyfriends house, I'm for sure he wouldn't let me do anything like that," she sniffed, taehyung bit his lip he knew he wanted to talk to his mom about his relationship but she was barely home or just very tired, but she'd alway take off the day of and after his birthday just to be sure she doesn't lose him.

"I'm a bad parent, aren't I?" taehyung didn't answer, he just humed, the question was vague because no parent is perfect, the quick shivers crawl up is back as Namjoon and Seokjin enter the house, "Hi Seokjinnie, hi Namjoon," Seokjin waved followed by Namjoon, "How was yesterday, did you and Jungkook make up?" Taehyung laughing a bit nodded his head.

The yelp coming from Seokjin's mouth as Namjoon tossed him over his shoulder, "Well, we'll be in my room, and I told you mom, Taehyung is fine," he says Seokjins protest to get down got him to laugh, "Since when have they been together?" watching her shrug she starts to drink her chocolate drink, "Mom?" "I'm sorry, I should've been there for you, both of you I don't know why I asked, I am a bad parent," she says again personally annoying Taehyung, every year when he'd not come home from his birthday because he was waiting for Namjoon, or hanging with Jimin, she'd bring back past demons.

It's understandable for a parent to always feel haunted but taehyung was starting to think this was overkill, he's now 18 he'll graduate next year unless he gets the letter from the school promising his early graduation, and with graduation comes leaving the house as an official adult, he can't promise that he'll come over every day on his birthday, noticing her drowsy state he sighed taking her cup and getting her attention, "Lay down, I know you stayed up all night waiting for me," her almost identical box smile answered his question as she lays down, putting the cups in the sink he goes up to his room.

Noticing the pile of papers he starts to look through them, finding the folder that was marked stars, going through the folder he remembered taking notes on the top ten brightest stars when he was younger, smiling at his own work as he remembered calling them the diamonds in the night sky, his cute moment ruined when he heard noises on the other side of his room, he knew it was Namjoon and Seokjin, "keep it down mom's sleep," he says hitting the wall knowing it wouldn't really do much.

Something replaying in his mind as he thought about the conversation he and his mother had, sighing as he also knew she'd continue to let the demons live inside her no matter how many times he'd say he's fine, then the thought of graduation popped in his head, whispering shit he leaves his room putting on a coat, hat and scarf as he left to get the mail, going through it he sighed as he didn't get a letter, biting his lip as he knows the other reason for wanting that letter, no letter means another year of school, no letter means no graduation, and no graduation means long distance relationship.

▪︎ Ah, I'm such a procrastinator! This and the next two chapters have been done for I don't know how long, and I'm truly sorry for postponing them. I've been preparing and planning out the next story, which I can't wait for!!!

▪︎ Thank you all for supporting me this far. I hope you guys aren't so disappointed with me. Anyway I hoped you all enjoyed, love yous

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