iv : Anxiety

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𝕂 . 𝕋 ℍ

Anxiety: (1) self explanatory but is the sudden feeling of uneasiness, fear, or a form of sheer panic, a common disorder found mostly in teens and adults.


School a place filled for learning and having mistakes, especially when it’s monday, no one in there right mind is fully functioning on mondays even though everyone is busy stressing about it on sunday the impact is honestly the realisation that the weekend is so far away now.

Staring out the window taehyung started counting the many of clouds and airplanes flying by, not noticing that the teacher had called on him, “He’s probably communicating to the aliens to come pick him up,” turning his gaze to the floor then the board then behind him, taehyung keeps his sweet angelic box smile on, “The answer is four, but you didn’t know that did you-”

The ringing of the bell woke him up, starting the chaotic class, wishing that the day was actually like his short dream, gazing at the board taehyung already knew the answer so he let his ultra reality sink into reality,  as he looks out the window counting the clouds smiling slightly as he seen figures being made, it didn’t take him long to start imagining himself floating on one of the many.

Yes he’s a smart ass but that didn’t mean he couldn’t play with fantasy, something of his always turns into a form of fairytale or narnia, he proves his point when it come to people calling him strange but he embaracess it, he knows that's the real him and not some actor thats forced to follow a script, but he even knows he’s following some sort of script, it shows with his public actions not his personal ones.

Like now, he’s playing with the cloud people’s kids and animals enjoying his time of defying gravity, only for him to crash back down as his seatmate nudged his shoulder and pointed at the front, “The answer taehyung,” “f-four,” he whispers the teacher leaned in clearly irritated, taehyung knew everyone was staring daggers into his flesh, suckking every form of life in his viens, if you looked close enough you’d probably see the beads of sweat rolling down his face, in all honesty he felt like he could pass out any minute, “We won’t move on till we get-” “May I be excused!” he says holding up the red card he still wasn’t sure he got out entirely himself.

The teachers sigh gave him his sigh of relief as she motions to the door, almost sprinting out the class taehyung turns around panic still staining his face, “T-The answer ‘s f-four, s-sorry,” he rushed out before running off completely “That's all he had to do,” the teacher whispers “Well class do you remember the project all math and astronomy teachers have been boasting about?” most of the kids nodded others just weren’t paying attention at all, “That project officially starts today, and will be your grade for this entire quarter, yes jungkook?”

“Is the project limited to just stars or can we do other celes- o-other space rocks?” hopping no one heard his slight slip jungkook pieces his lips, feeling himself go pale when he noticed the teachers slight smirk, “Just the stars, ok,” nodding he slouches back into his chair, “I’ll be assigning you partners, that partner will also be your quarter seatmate," after minutes of the class hoping that they got paired with their bestfriend or boyfriend/girlfriend the treacher sushed the class, “first somi and minnie, then jin and namjoon,” the process felt like an eternity, few of the names being an unexpected couple, “and lastly jungkook and taehyung, say hi to your partners and go talk to your friends i honestly didn’t have a lesson plan for today,”

Getting hyped for the slither of freedom everyone dispersed into their own little groups, "earth to jeon," blinking a couple of times Jungkook looks up, "sorry, what's up joon?" "Do you want to switch partners, I can deal with-" shaking his head Jungkook sighs, laughing as Namjoon gives him a wired face, "if he gets bothersome just tell me and I'll handle it," recreating the face Namjoon made Jungkook says ok just as the bell rings releasing everyone to lunch that had it.

Walking down the hallway Jungkook notice the sound of the piano being played, following the sound Jungkook opened the door shutting it just as quietly, standing there he starts to wonder if this was going to be one of those moments they'd have in animes or dramas, walking closer to the sound he opens the other door, the music stopping when the attention was drawn toward him and the door.

▪︎ Annnnd there, a cute but awkward ending encounter.

▪︎ Anyway I hope you all enjoyed, love yous!

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