xxi : Bittersweet

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Bittersweet: (1) Something that starts out sweet but leaves a bitter aftertaste


The next day in class taehyung kept his gaze at the front of the classroom, watching seokjin take increments of a minute to look at the door, taehyungs worry rising too when he finally realized Namjoon wasn't in the class, "Whats wrong?" jungkook whispers looking over at him he points to the seat next to seokjin, "Namjoon isn't back yet," seeing his nod they both watch as seokjin lowers his head a little and raised his hand.

"May I be excused?" the nod from the teacher allowing his removal, grabbing his bag seokjin leaves the classroom in hopes to find namjoon somewhere, starting in the cafeteria he started thinking, walking to the locker rooms first no sign, going to the gym sneaking under that bleachers he peeks his head outside still no sign, coming back inside he leaves going back upstairs, checking every bathroom on his away as well.

The sound of lockers getting pushed up on caught he attintion, running where the sound was located, "You and and your brother are straight fags!" Watching the scene, Seokjin was about the get a teacher but at the same time he didn't and just continued to listen, "leave my brother out of this," "why should we? Your brother's a slut and likes to take and turn people gay," flinching when he knew the voices talking seokjin goes into the middle of the hall shouting stop and getting everyones attention.

"Well if it isn't class president? What brings you here," hitching his breath he crosses his arms, "What do you think Hyunsik?" his low demeter laugh told the other two guys to let go of victim as they walked passed seokjin, hyunsik whispering something as they passed, looking back over seokjin ran and helped namjoon up, "Why did they do this?" getting the best result to a shrug they head down to the nurse.

"You can go back to class jin, I'll be fine," shaking his head seokjin kept his spot in the chair at the foot of the bed, looking back at the younger boy as he started laughing, "It's like we're back in middle school," he says closing his eyes getting seokjin to smile, "Yes but you put up a better fight back then," hearing his huff he laughed only for it to dye suddenly and pretty sadly as seokjin remembered how clingy they were back then, he missed it, he regretted stopping it, because it only lead him to long and miss the old them even more, "Namjoon, remember when I said I said that I hoped we never change?" hearing his hum, seokjin looked back over at him biting his lip solemnly, "Why did we?"

"I'm not too sure, I just remember that one day everything stopped," he said sitting up as he watched his older, noticing that he just wanted to grab him like they use to and just hug. Cuddle or fall asleep, but he was too scared that more and more stuff would change, "I think it was my fault," seokjin sudden;y says looking at the ground, "we were in ninth grade, I believe you got your first girlfriend then, i think i didn't want to make you uncomfortable so i stopped,"

Sighing namjoon scooted to the edge of the bed patting seokjin's head, "You could never make me uncomfortable princess," seokjin blushing at the old nickname smiled and nodded his head, still scared that the emotion he's feeling was an unwanted emotion, still a kiddy crush he had in middle school, "Joonie?" he asks looking over the sudden courage he got was also unwanted as he just wanted to stay in this time frame, "Do you like me?" "Of Course i like you, why wouldn't I?"

Noticing the block in information seokjin was getting ready to try again, even though his words kept getting caught in his throat he figured he might as well try harder, "N-No I mean, like, like me, do you like me?" at this point he started to pray that his torture would end, the shock of namjoon taking his face and practically pulling him on the bed shut him up, it was like they did go back in time, their closeness was nostalgic, the kiss though was futuristic, "N-Namjoon-" "Yes jin I like you like you," biting his lip seokjin buried his head into the crook of namjoon's neck, hugging him tighter than what he originally intended.

The brief knock on the door, startled both boys, not wanting to get into any more trouble than what they were already in they returned back into their original spots, waiting to officially be excused back to class.

▪︎ OK so finally i figured something out! I really enjoyed the way this went

▪︎ Side note, I'll stop avoiding my commitment to drama. I just need to figure out how exactly I want it to go, so in reality i'm just saying that it's going to take a while before I post any more chapters, anyway I hoped you all enjoyed, love yous

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