twenty nine

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I wake up in excruciating pain, sweat forming on my forehead as my hand moves to my belly. I crane my neck to read the table clock, it shows five in the morning and the lamp on the desk is on, burning through my eyes. I must've dozed off while studying.

My clothes are the same ones I wore after I took a shower yesterday and I feel the immediate need to change into comfortable pjs. A cramp hits me in the stomach as I stand up from the chair, my back hurting from sleeping with my face down on the desk.

I pull out a loose t-shirt and pjs before walking to the drawer where I keep tampons. I didn't want to keep them in the bathroom since James and I share it so I found a drawer in my closet for the stock.

Moving inside the bathroom, I decide to take a warm shower to comfort my body, telling myself that I'll have a better sleep if I'm all cleaned up. I even brush my teeth, following the morning routine before getting myself into the comfortable clothes. I debate whether going to James's room would be a good idea at this hour because I'd really like some company to breathe through the pain but then decide it would be selfish of me to wake him.

I lie down in my bedroom under the light comforters, my hands held against my belly as I try to take deep breaths like Dr. Wilson taught me, hoping it would help with this pain but it takes too much energy out of me.

After what seems like couple of hours with me falling in and out of sleep, the bathroom door opens and James steps in the room. He looks a little pissed when he sees me. "I thought you were going to come to bed."

"I fell asleep on the desk." I manage to get out, my voice too feeble and he immediately frowns.

"What's wrong?" He's by my side in a second, kneeling in front of me as he studies my face. "Lil, are you sick?"

"It's just periods." I tell him and he nods, his hands coming upto my cheek as he caresses it.

"Is there anything I can get you? Warm things help, right?" He asks  and I nod but then shake my head.

"Yes, they help but I don't want anything. I slept on the desk while studying so I just really need some good sleep." I look at him as he gets up and removes the comforter from my body, "What are you doing?"

He doesn't respond as he puts his arm under my shoulders and knees before picking me up, almost making me shriek in surprise but he only rolls his eyes in response before he leads me to the bathroom door and then opens the door connecting to his room.

The blinds are drawn and there's only a small table lamp which is on, rest is pitch black even though I'm sure there's sunlight outside. He puts me down slowly on his bed and I immediately succumb into the comfortable mattress. Wow, why don't I have this in my room?

"Scoot over." He says, pulling off his shirt which only leaves him in boxers, making me appreciate the sight only for a second before another cramp hits me, making me wince in pain. "Are you sure you don't have to take a medicine for this? It doesn't look good, love."

I nod because I really try to avoid taking pills as much as I can. "It's fine. I just need sleep." I tell him before I scoot over and he lies down next to me. "I want a mattress just like this in our bedroom."

He chuckles at my words before nodding as he leans forward to kiss my nose. It's such a small gesture but it lightens up my mood a little. "I'm sorry I didn't come to bed."

"You didn't do it deliberately." He points out and I nod. "Get some sleep, please."

I close my eyes as I scoot closer to him, wrapping my arm around his torso before I nuzzle my neck into his chest, taking in his scent. The warmth of his body is oddly comforting to my pain as I fall asleep hugging him.

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