fifty two

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James's POV

My mind is still processing her question when I feel a rush of a person from the other side of room towards her. As soon as I realise who it is, my jaw tightens and I pull my fingers into a fist to stop myself from reaching out to push him away from her.

She looks like she has seen a ghost, her face is pale and I don't understand why because the last time I saw this dick, he was drooling all over her and she was all smiles. Now, she looks like she wants the ground to swallow her up.

"Oh, the two of you know each other?" Liam speaks up from behind, making Sam turn around as he keeps one of his arms around her shoulder, the sight pissing me off further while she keeps her eyes fixed on me.

I am not the kind of person who has a problem when she and her friends get affectionate, because if that would have been the case, Hale would've been the first one to get a good talk about he should stop pecking her cheeks or hugging her the way he does — where Lillian literally struggles to breathe. Actually that's not true either, even if I was that person, I wouldn't have imposed it on her life but I'm not, yet I can't stand the sight of this man touching her.

"Of course, Lee. You remember Beth and Gabe from Mom's barbecue last month?" Sam casually talks about her parents like he's old friends with them, which only adds on to my annoyance. Liam, however, is oblivious to it as he responds with a nod. "They are her parents."

"Owner of the Vince telecommunication is your father in law?" Liam looks at me in surprise.

Sam's eyes finally land on me, noticing the pissed off expression that for once is evident to the naked eye. The hope I had that he would let go of her shoulder upon seeing my reaction immediately goes into trashcan when the bastard just gives a light squeeze to her shoulder. She gives me a pleading look that I recognise as her asking me to keep it together. She doesn't want to create a scene, neither do I, but I wouldn't shy away from showing him his place if he crosses a line.

I offer the dick a warning glare before masking my emotions and turning to Liam, "Yes. Why are you so surprised?"

"Small world, that's all."

"Stop with the business already." Liam's wife, a petite woman with blonde bob cut speaks up as she approaches my wife. "Hey, I'm Grace."

I notice how very discreetly, she steps out of Sam's grasp and walks over to greet her, "Lillian. You have a lovely place over here."

She's too modest. This is a good place indeed, but it has no vibe like ours. Grace smiles at her. "Oh, it's nothing much. We come here once a year so this one can spend some time with kids and me peacefully."

"Speaking of kids," Sam pipes up from behind, his voice alone making me want to punch him. "Cece, Ken. C'mon here, you little munchkins."

As Liam's kids run from one of the room to the other, Grace turns to me, still smiling, "How are you, James?"

"Doing well, you?"

"Great, it's too surprising yet nice to see a familiar face away from the city," she speaks and I try not to grumble in response because I disagree.

This is one place in my entire life where I come to find peace and mourn my mother, yet somehow life has always tried to trick me and land me in situations that makes it so hard for me to keep my temper in check, something I've struggled always.

Sam kneels down to the children's height and grins at them. "Would you guys like to meet my friend?"

Friend? She's not even your acquaintance, you ass! I look at the way Lillian's eyes light up when she looks at the kids and the small smile on her face almost melts my anger away until Sam speaks up.

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