[40] Good Obedient Girl

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I SAT AT the table in the library, accompanied by Hale, Eden, Truman, and Blaire as I mindlessly skimmed through the terribly boring and slightly complicated textbook that my calculus teacher gave the third period.

No one seemed to be actually studying except for me. Eden had her head down on the table, Hale was texting on his phone, Truman was analyzing a picture book, and Blaire was just being Blaire. 

Usually, study periods are good. You can spend sixty minutes doing absolutely nothing and usually I am okay with that, but today it feels as though this study period is lasting forever. It almost feels as though the sixty has been extended to a hundred and sixty minutes, though, despite this period almost being over, Lakyn Westbrook is yet to make an appearance.

I stood up, groaning as I decided to go to the restroom and take the extremely long way so that by the time that I get there, fix myself up and then make my way back to the library, the bell will sound and I can leave.

"I will be back." I announced, all of my friends humming in response, us all equally bored out of our minds.

After informing the librarian that I needed to use the restroom, I exited the library and began to stroll down the vacant hall. Homecoming posters still hung everywhere, yet to be taken down, despite that being days ago. Now there were posted designed by the student council, advertising the up-coming lacrosse game, versing the Eastcliff Eagles. The Dayton Devils have never competed against them before, so it is completely new competition.

According to Hale, they live in New Hampshire, so they will be traveling outside of their state just to play against Dayton Academy, considering our stadium is larger and more visually pleasing than most. It will be nice to see the team competing against a new one, the competition gets boring when it is all the same.

After walking across campus over to where the other amenities are, pushing the door open before entering. 

I walked into one of the few stalls, finding them all empty as I sat down on the cold toilet seat and proceeded to do my business, then exiting and washing my hands. 

I looked up at my reflection, pleased to see that my mascara had barely moved throughout the day but unfortunately there were three small red spots forming on my forehead that were definitely not there this morning. I am fortunate to not often suffer from acne, but when my period is nearby, I always break out somewhere.

I groaned, tucking my hair behind my ears when the door opened. I kept staring at my appearance, not in a vain way, but in an insecure way. A way that was like pointing out all your imperfections, though some days I see nothing but imperfections. Every beauty mark, every crease, every goddamn eyelash, it is all hideous.

My eyes were torn away from my own reflection as I noticed another reflection just behind me. In all his lethal glory, six foot three inches of pure perfection and rebellion, a jaw that could slice a diamond in half, pink lips fitting a silver-tongue and blue eyes that were a cross between the color of the Atlantic Ocean and the ice in Antarctica.

He was wearing his uniform consisting of a white button-up and his emerald green varsity jacket paired with his usual Converse which was entirely against the school dress code.

"Lakyn." I whispered, feeling breathless.

Lakyn stepped forward, placing his welcomed hands on my hips. "It's been a while."

I nodded. "Indeed, it has." I replied softly, not daring once to tear my eyes away from the young reckless teenagers staring back at me. "You are the one that has been at practice every single day."

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