Chapter 33: A Secret Revealed

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***And here is the next chapter! Hope you enjoy it!! Love reading all the comments that come in :) ***

***Alexis P.O.V***

The next day after the attack was hard. I couldn't stop jumping at every noise, expecting it to be the man in black or my father. I could tell that I was worrying Tony, and everyone else. The rest of the Avengers had arrived back, and Tony had taken me aside to ask if I wanted to learn self-defence when I was feeling better with Nat. I had said yes cause I didn't want to be a liability again to anyone, or be weak like I had always been. That night I had gone to bed but was awakened by nightmares several times.

At the moment, I am heading down to the living area to see if anyone was awake. It was early, but a nightmare had woken me up again. Thankfully, I awoke before Jarvis had notified Tony and Pepper. Tony had been coming in every time that Jarvis had alerted him that I was having a nightmare.

I hope that they can sleep in this morning, I think to myself as the elevator doors open, and I shuffle out to the hall, making sure not to move too fast and cause my ribs to hurt me even more. They didn't need to get up so much because of me.

Making it to the doors of the living area, I slowly push them open and slip through. Looking around, I see that I am the only in the room with the sun beginning to chase away the darkness in the sky.

"Watching the dawn of a new day might be nice," I whisper to myself as I pad forward in my sock-clad feet and sneak over to the balcony doors.

"Excuse me, Miss Alexis," Jarvis calls out, making me pause before opening the doors. "I recommend grabbing something warm to put over your sleepwear before heading outside. The air has a chill to it according to the weather readings."

"Oh," turning around, I look around for something warm to put on.

"Mr Barnes has left a jersey on the sofa in the far corner of the room. I am sure he will not mind if you use it, Miss Alexis," Jarvis informs me as he lights up a corner of the room as an indication.

"Thank you, Jarvis," I whisper as I sneak over to where the light is and find a grey hoodie placed on the arm of the sofa. I hesitate before grabbing it. What if he doesn't want me wearing it. Biting my lip, I shrug and pick it up. I will just return it before anyone gets up. I won't be outside that long. Nodding, I quickly pull it over my head. Looking down at myself, I giggle as I see that the sleeves completely envelop my hands, giving me sweater paws. The hoodie stops mid-thigh. Shaking my head, I head back to the door and push it open.

The crisp-night air washes over me as I let the door shut behind me. The sun's rays were making their way up and over the buildings of New York. Peering over the railing, I see that the streets were already alive and filled with cars. People were bustling along the streets on their way to work. I take a deep breath and relish the feeling of the cold air. Looking back at the sun, I watch as it paints the sky with many beautiful colours. You can always count on the sun to be a constant thing, I smile. No matter if you can see it or if it hides behind clouds, it will always be there.

Giggling at my deep thoughts, I turn and see a set of outdoor lounge furniture off to the side. That may be a little bit more comfortable as a sun watching place. Walking over, I curl up on a couch and turn back to the sun. As the sun rose, I heard the muffled sounds of the living streets below rising up. The beeping of horns accompanied me as I watched the sun eat away the night.

"Alexis?" a voice calls out softly from behind me.

I yelp and fall off the couch in my panic to turn around. Pain shoots up my side, leaving me gasping for air as I try to push myself off the ground. Hands come down on my shoulders.

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