Triple Date!

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Requested by lams_or_jamilton

Summary: Alex, Thomas, Laf, Herc, John and Peggy decide to have a triple date! Will it be a day of fun or chaos?

Short oneshot.

It was now lunch break. Almost the whole group was seated at their usual table. They were all waiting for Peggy at the moment.

"I'm glad you got into the debate class, Alex. "I think a class where there's always arguing is the place for you." Angelica half teased. Alex rolled his eyes in amusement.

"We'll miss you in drama, but I'm really happy for you." Eliza piped.

"Thanks girls. That means a lot-"

"ALEXANDER!" The group looked back to see Peggy running in the lunch room with a huge smile. "Ham-Man!" She ran straight into the Caribbean boy's arms. "Thank you so much! IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou!" Alex awkwardly hugged the girl.

"I love you hetero though." He responded. The youngest Schuyler let go and laughed.

"Not like that, silly. I mean as a friend. You just saved my weekend little lion."

"How so, Pegs?" John asked out of curiosity.

"This!" Peggy pulled out the last math test she took and handed it to Alexander. The boy smiled at the grade she received.

"Wow! You got a 96!" He handed it back to the girl.

"Thank you so much of tutoring me Alex. Is their anything I can do to return the favor?" Alex stopped and thought for a second. Within five seconds an idea came to mind.

"Well, is that triple date still an offer?" He asked causing Peggy and Thomas to gasp in excitement.

"Triple date?" Herc asked in confusion.

"When Lexi and I first got together, Peggy here offered to plan a triple date." Thomas answered. "It was gonna be with us, Peggy and John and you and Laf."

"Sounds fun!" Laf beamed! "I'm in!"

"Me too!" Herc agreed.

"How's Friday night?" John asked. "We can go to the carnival." The others couples minus Alex nodded in agreement. Instead he put a finger to his chin in thought. "What is it Lex?"

"Um...I have a question."

"What is it, babe?" Thomas asked his boyfriend.

"Uh...What's a carnival?" Everyone looked at Alexander like he killed someone.



-Friday Night-

A car pulled up to the carnival entrance. Peggy, John, Laf, Herc and Thomas bolted out the car in excitement. Alex stood for an extra moment.

"Thanks for driving us dad." Alexander thanked Washington.

"Of course, son. Remember, this place is crowded and easy to get lost. Also, here you go." Washington handed Alex a 20 dollar bill. Alex hesitated at first before taking it. "I'll pick you all up at 9." He hugged his son before he left the car.

"Bye dad." Alex closed the door and met with his friends as his father drove off.

"ALEX, YOU'RE GONNA LOVE IT!" Thomas grabbed Alexander's hand and practically dragged him into the entrance. "C'MON!" Once they finally caught up to their friends, Peggy paid for them and got ready for the fun to begin.

"We just gotta go on the ferris wheel today!" Peggy suggested.

"Oh, and the Tornado!" Herc added. Thomas and Laf squealed in excitement.

"I'm dying for some decent corndogs!" John rubbed his stomach. "This is gonna be suh-weet!" Everyone grabbed hands with their boyfriends and girlfriend. After a minute of walking, they decided on riding a drop tower called, "Scream." The couples placed their phones in the bin in front of the ride and got seated.

"This going to be epic!" Thomas piped. Alexander smiled at his boyfriend's excitement. The group clipped their belts and pulled down the bars for restriction. A lady was talking over the speaker about staying about the ride, when Thomas looked over at his lover. "Oh, by the way you should hold on extra tight because your short." He winked at the shorter teen causing him to giggle and blush. Suddenly, they were shot up many feet into the air. Everyone screamed at the sudden movement.

"THIIIIS IIIIS AWESOOOME!" Peggy shouted during the ride. They went up and down vert fast for a few moments until the ride was over. Once it was, they all got off...well...Alexander stumbled off.

"You okay, mon amie?" Laf helped Alex walk.

"Wha- WHAT WAS THAT?! THAT WAS SO AMAZING! I FEEL SO TINGLY INSIDE!" Thomas took Alex's hand and smiled.

"The adrenaline is great, isn't it?"

"Yes! So what's next?"

*Time skip brought to you by Alex seeing the light*

"Chug! Chug! Chug!" Herc and Alex were racing to see who could drink their soda the fastest as the others chanted. Herc finished first, slamming his empty cup on the table earning cheers. "Herc! Herc! Herc!"

"Thank you, thank you! You're too kind." Alex then stopped.

"Don't get a big head, Taylor boy." Alex joked earning snickers.

"Ugh! Can you gays shut up!" A random woman scolded. They all glared at her.

"What?" Alexander asked her as calmly as he could.

"I said for you gays to shut up!" Alex took a deep breath.

"Listen lady, don't call us gays. In fact, I'm the only gay one here. My boyfriend here is bisexual, Herc is also bisexual, his boyfriend is pansexual, that young girl right there" He pointed at Peggy. "is asexual and my best friend is polyromantic. So, could you do us all a favor and not assume our sexualities because it's very annoying. My dad is a teacher maybe he could help you." The woman's face was bright red from anger and embarrassment as Alexander's friends chortled. "Come back when you're more...educated." They all howled in laughter. When the lady decided she heard enough, she stomped off.

"That was amazing, Shortie." John managed through his laughter.

"You really put her in her place, Lexi."

"Meh, it was nothing. Let's go play some games." They all went for a water gun carnival game against each other. Thomas won a lion plushie for Alex, Laf won a horse plushie for Herc and Peggy won a turtle plushie for John. They went on a bunch of thriller rides and ate giant corndogs. Soon it was time to go home and Alexander was fast asleep on Thomas's shoulder.

"Awww! He's so peaceful in his Peggy agreed.

"Yeah, but his dad will be hear soon so we gottta be leaving." Thomas gently slipped the sleep Alex off his shoulder and onto his back. "I got him."

"I hope so." John said. "He looks like he enjoyed today."

"I'm glad he did. His first time at a carnival was a success. Great idea for the triple date, Pegs."

"Well, us "gays" gotta stick together." Everyone broke up into laugher.

I know it's short and I'm sorry. I've been busy the past few days and just accepted the fact that my crush doesn't like me. Oh well! Anyways thanks for reading and I'll see you next oneshot.

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