We Know

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Summary: John started to notice something going on between Alexander and Peggy, but what? What happens when Eliza finds something?

Peggy found herself dashing to the bathroom in her house. She dropped by the toilet and started to throw up. Angelica, who followed Peggy entered. She sat beside her sister and rubbed her back as she continued to release the contents.

"Are you feeling better, hun?" She asked. Peggy turned to face her and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm okay." She replied. "I think I just ate something bad."

"Are you sure? Is your body working right? Did you get your period?"

"No, but I think it's just late. Other than that I'm fine. Nothing to worry about." Peggy got up and washed her face.


Alexander sat in the living room, typing away on his laptop. For the first time, he wasn't working on school work. He was working on a poem. He typed with his cheeks flushed and his heart pounding.

"Alexander?" Alex looked up to see his father with a poker face.

"Yes dad?"

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Um...y-yeah I'm just working on something..." Alex then realized he was smiling like an idiot.

"School work?"

"A poem...I um wrote it for T-Thomas..." Wait, what? I just- ugh! I'm such a hopeless romantic. Alex's blush only deepened. Washington chuckled at his son.

"I-I'm sorry!" He wheezed. That was when Martha entered the room. Washington then composed him. "I don't mean to laugh son, but you reminded me of someone."

"R-really? Who?"



"Let me tell you a story." Washington cleared his throat. "When I was around your age, your mother was dating another guy at the time named...uh...love what was his name?"


"Keith! Yeah! So anyways, even though I knew she was with another guy I couldn't help myself. I wrote her love letters everyday. I would sneak them into her locker and watch from afar."

"I wasn't happy with the relationship I was in at the time." Martha admit.

"How come?" Alex asked.

"He was...abusive, but not physically." Washington cringed in at the memory.

"Here's where things get better. One day, your mom wanted to find out who wrote her the letters, but her boyfriend found out. He got angry at her and grabbed her wrist. Now, let's just say...I'm reactive." Martha giggled. "I got detention that day...for punching him!"

"Damn! You don't play games, dad!" Alex joked.

"What I'm trying to say is love is a beautiful thing." Washington explained. "The feel that it leaves inside that's all warm and bubbly. It can also make you do crazy things and that could also lead to trouble. Just promise me one thing."


"That you won't rush yourself into anything you're not ready for?"

"I promise, dad."

*Time skip brought to you by a love poem*

-2 days later-

Peggy was dashing down an empty hallway to meet up with Alexander. He had texted her saying it was an emergency.

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