Part 4

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                             ~Bella's POV~
i felt a warm hand get place on mine. i try to open my eyes but they just stay closed. i hear a beeping noise and people talking around me.

"i really miss you momma. the doctors said you can hear us but you may be a little confused on who's who. i'm Lea so every time we talk to you, we have to say who we are. daddy has been really sad but he's still there for us. i love you momma." i know all my kids voices. i don't need them to tell me who is who.

"hey mom." the voice broke and i knew us was Bailey.

"it's Bailey and i really miss you. it's so hard. dad tries act strong but i hear him late at night crying. it's not the same without you around. dad and Ty have been extra cautious with us girls lately. i love you, please come back." she said. i knew she was crying and i wanted nothing more then to open my eyes and hug her.

"mommy? it's Hadley." i knew it was Hadley right away.

"i've been sleeping with daddy since you've been gone. sometimes even Bailey, and Ty, and Lea, and Caleb, and Avery sleep with us because your guys bed is so big. but during the night, daddy goes into the bathroom and stays in there a while. i don't know what he's doing but i hear sniffles or something." she sniffed to show me what she meant.

"hey mom. it's Tyler. i miss you making me some homemade biscuits. dad tried but failed... miserably. they don't get any better than yours. i think it's been the hardest on dad and Lea though. of course it's hard on all of us, but Lea never comes out of her room unless it's to see you. i don't even remember the last time one of them ate. i miss you and i want nothing more than you to wake up. i love you." he kissed my forehead and then i felt something sit on my stomach.

"mama? Caleb." he said. i wanted to smile but my lips wouldn't move. he laid his head on my chest and played with my hair.

"i miss you mommy." he said. it hurt me to hear those things. how long have i been out?

"hey." the voice was deep and raspy like they had been crying. i knew it was Grayson.

"it's me, Grayson. i miss you. so much. you are the glue that holds this family together and we just don't work without you. i try to be strong for not only the kids, but for you. i know you wouldn't let me give up so i'm not going to. i'm so sorry for the things i've done and said. i promise, once your beautiful eyes open again, i'll never leave your side and take care of the kids better. Lea is so sad without you. we all are. please... wake up." i felt him kiss my lips and i tried with everything in me to kiss back but i couldn't.


                        ~Grayson's POV~
"daddy, i don't want to wear that." Lea said as i try to put her in something other than basketball shorts and a tee shirt.

"Lea. put on the damn skirt and stop being so difficult." i said getting a little aggravated. i have so much stress on me and Lea won't cooperate.

"daddy, please don't make me." she said. i sighed and threw the skirt on the bed.

"fine, wear whatever you want." i stormed out of the room and to mine and Bella's.

it's so hard without her and i feel bad for snapping at Lea but i just can't anymore. i can't function without knowing if my wife is going to live or stay in a coma forever.

she hasn't been here in 4 months. the kids still go to school and today we're supposed to be going to the hospital to visit her but Lea is making it hard.

"i'm sorry daddy. i put the skirt on." i heard a small voice say. i turned around and saw Lea wearing the skirt that i tried to make her wear and a yellow shirt.

"i'm so sorry princess. but it's hard without mommy so i need you to listen more and do what daddy says." i said as i pulled her into a hug.

"okay." i smiled and kissed her forehead before letting her go off to play. i started getting ready myself.


"mommy!" Hadley yelled as we walked into the room. i smiled and walked behind them all. her bed was decorated with balloons, stuffed animals, and get better soon cards.

Hadley sat beside her and started talking about all the new baby dolls that just came out and how much she wanted them.

once it was my turn to get to talk, i held her hand. i always do that. i want her to know that we are all right here beside her.

"hey princess. it's me Grayson." i started. i let a tear slip. the doctors told us that if she doesn't wake up in the next couple of months, they're going to take her off of Life Support. it broke my heart to hear that but there are other patients that need to be healed so i know we can't keep her in the room for forever.

i couldn't stop crying. all the kids already walked out to go to the cafeteria for lunch.

i felt a hand squeeze mine back and i looked down. i saw Bella's heart monitor speed up a bit and then her eyes fluttered open.

"it's okay baby." she said as she brought her hand to my cheek. i cried even more and leaned into her touch.

i kissed her lips passionately. something i haven't been able to do in 4 months.

"i'll go get the doctors." i said. she sat there and i walked out.

"she's awake." i said. they ran in to do some tests and i went to get the kids.

"moms awake." i said. Lea was the first one to jump up and run past me. all the others went right behind her.

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