Part 35

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~Grayson's POV~
"Happy Birthday dear Avery, happy birthday to you!" we all sang. my mom, dad, Cameron, her husband, all the kids, Ethan, Emma, me and Bella were all standing around her. Avery blew the candles, getting spit everywhere.

we're at the park, and we rented it so no one else is here but us.

she blew a couple times but was having trouble getting them go out. i laughed and helped her. she smiled as Bella took pictures and videos.

"Avery n-" just as i was to tell her not to, she stuck her hand in the cake and grabbed a big chunk, putting it in her mouth. i groaned, making her giggle. i couldn't help but smile.


"let's make a tik tok!" Lea said. she pulled it up on her ipad and all the kids started doing them. Avery and Caleb kinda just danced because they didn't know any tik tok dances.

i felt something pinch my ass, making me turn around. i saw Bella standing there with a smirk on her face. i rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around her waist. she stood on her tippy toes and kissed me. her soft lips landed on mine, still feeling a little dry but i could care less.

"you're so beautiful my love." i said as i pulled away. she blushed and hit my chest playfully.

"what ever happened to Tony?" she asked, looking down and her voice getting quiet. i felt my blood boil and my fists balled up.

"you don't need to worry about that." i said through gritted teeth. she sighed and rubbed my arm up and down.

"just don't hurt him Grayson." i chuckled and shook my head.

"Bella. he hurt you, he put his hands on you, he drowned you, he beat you, he made everyone believe you were dead. you're crazy if you think i'm not going to do the exact same thing to him." i said coldly.

"can i at least see him?" i shook my head no.

"i love you Bella, but sometimes the things you ask make me worry about you. hell no you're not seeing him." she rolled her eyes and let go of me. i watched as she walked off over to Emma.

"daddy! can i help Avery open her present!?" Hadley asked. i shook my head no and picked her up.

"only if she wants you to. when it's your birthday, you can open all your presents with or without your siblings help." she smiled and nodded her head.

we walked over to where Avery was sitting and saw her tearing away wrapping paper. she was more interested in taking all the wrapping paper out, than the actual gift inside.

Bella helped her and she pulled out a new barbie. Avery smiled and hugged it close to her.

she finally opened all her gifts and she got barbies, baby dolls, more clothes and a 100$ bill, which me and Bella will keep because we have a savings account for all the kids and the money they get on birthdays and holidays goes to it.

but Tyler and Bailey, get to keep the money they work for. since Tyler just started working in the gang, he gets some of the money we get on deals. Bailey applied for a job at the mall but hasn't heard back yet.

"daddy, i'm hot." Caleb complained.

"here." i held his hand as we walked over to the coolers. i grabbed a paper towel and a bottle of water while Caleb sat on top of one of the ice chests. i poured some water on the paper towel and Caleb wiped his forehead and cheeks with it. he drank the remaining water and took off his shirt.

"no no baby, we're in public. put your shirt back on."

"but daddy i'm hot." he complained. i sighed and let him keep it off. i can't be strict with the kids, i know it's something i need to work on but it's hard. 

he smiled and ran back with the other kids.


Bella- get downstairs now!

Bella texted me. all the kids are asleep and i just got home from work about an hour ago. and by work i mean gang.

i stood up from our bed and walked down. i saw Bella standing there, holding a gun.

"what're you doing with that?" i asked as i took it away from her.

"it was laying on the kitchen table. what if Lea or Hadley got a hold of that? i told you, you keep the gang stuff with that gang, and the home stuff at home. i don't want a gun laying around while we have children running around the house!" she whispered/yelled since everyone is asleep.

"i know baby. it's late and i forgot to put it back on the shelf at the warehouse. i told myself that i would take it to my office here and then take it back to the warehouse tomorrow. i'm tired and i forgot to take it to my office. i'm sorry, it won't happen again." i explained.

"damn right it won't happen again. Grayson! our kids are home and what if something really happened? what would be your excuse if one of them hurt themselves or someone else? i was too tired to put it away even though one of our kids could seriously get hurt with a gun lying around the house!" i sighed and nodded my head.

"i understand and i'm sorry. i told you it won't happen again." she mumbled an "unbelievable" under her breath before walking upstairs. i know she's upset but i honestly did forget.

"dada?" i turned around and saw Avery standing there in only her diaper and pacifier. i looked at her confused, since we have the dog gate but use it for her and Caleb. plus she sleeps in a crib so i don't know how she got out.

i quickly put the gun into my safe and picked her up.

"how'd you get down baby?" i asked. she shrugged her shoulders, making me chuckle a little.

"come on, i'll put you back to bed. then daddy has to make mommy happy again." she smiled and i took her back to her room. i kissed her forehead and turned to Caleb to see him peacefully sleeping. i kissed his forehead as well before walking out.

i saw Bella take off her bra and then throwing on one of my tee shirts. i walked in, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"i really am sorry my love. i forgot, how long are you gonna stay mad at me?" i asked as i kissed her shoulder.

"until i know you're responsible enough not to leave a loaded gun, on our kitchen table with our kids home." she got out of my grip and laid on her side of the bed. i groaned before walking over to mine and getting under the covers.

"i love you Mi Reina." i said as i pulled her close and kissed her temples.

"i love you to Gray." i smiled and drifted off to sleep.

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