Part 8

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                            ~Bella's POV~
"LOOK MOMMA!" Caleb jumped into the pool from the steps. he has on floaties and a little donut that fits perfectly around his waist.

Hadley and Lea brought a bunch of pennies out here, and they throw them to the bottom of the shallow end, to see who can pick the most up the fastest.

Avery was in a little walker, but it's for the pool. i held onto the little walked the entire time to make sure she doesn't slip out of it or anything. she never has before but i'm just an overprotective mom.

Caleb also brought his little toy trucks and boats. he sits on the steps of the pool and pushes the trucks on the concrete, while he moves the boats in the water. i smiled at all my kids having fun. the older ones, were tanning in the lawn chairs except Tyler.

he says, "tanning is boring" so he's playing on his phone. i'm wearing a one piece bathing suit because i don't really like to show that much skin. i'm not insecure, it's just not my thing.

"momma! Hadley cheated! she already had 5 pennies in her hand and then she went under and got 5 more." Lea complained.

"Hadley, don't cheat and tell Lea you're sorry. you both play by the rules." i said sternly.

"sorry Lea." she said. Lea forgave her and they hugged before going right back to playing. i chuckled and heard the back door slam. all of our heads shot up and we saw an angry Grayson standing there.

i rolled my eyes before getting out. i handed Avery to Tyler since he wasn't going anything and he was in the shade.

"will you watch the little ones?" i asked. he nodded his head and took Avery. he laid her on his chest before kissing his baby sisters forehead. i smiled and then walked inside.

"what's wrong babe?" i asked as i wrapped a towel around my body. he didn't answer me so i walked closer and laid my hand on his shoulder.

"don't fucking touch me you fat slut." he said as he jerked away. i was shocked. Grayson has never said anything like that, especially to me.

"i don't know what your problem is, but if you don't shut your mouth, you can sleep on the couch tonight. i haven't done a damn thing to you and you come home calling me a fat slut because i'm swimming in the pool with our kids. you act like a child and you told me at the hospital, that you would step up and start acting like a father and husband!" i said back. he gave me soft eyes and he looked guilty.

he tried to come closer but i stepped away.

"no. go find another women that isn't "fat" and see if i care. i'm honestly sick of you Grayson. you just called me slut and to not touch you. you're an asshole and i'm not staying to put up with it." i said as i ran upstairs.

i grabbed his pillow and blanket and threw it out the door. he walked in and looked confused.

"you can go sleep on the couch cause you sure as hell aren't sleeping with me." i said. he sighed and nodded his head. he walked out, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

what is wrong with him? just before he was all lovey and would cuddle me, now he's an ignorant asshole that i can't stand. he hasn't been here all day, and then he comes home calling me a slut and expects me to put up with it? hell no. my daddy taught me to never let a guy treat me like that.

"mommy?" i looked up and saw Hadley.

"hey princess." she ran over, still in her swim suit.

"can i take a bath?" she asked. i have to give her a bath still because she doesn't know how to wash all the shampoo and conditioner out of her hair. i nodded my head and stood up.

i started the warm water and let it fill up before taking her bathing suit off her. i put it in the sink to dry and then i put her in the tub.

"here, you play with barbies, and i'll be right back." i handed her the bucket of mermaid barbies we have to keep the kids occupied while we wash their hair and everything.

i stood up and walked downstairs. i looked out the back door and saw Tyler still holding Avery, Caleb and Lea were now jumping on the trampoline, and Kylie and Bailey were eating watermelon.

i turned around after i made sure everyone was okay, but i ran into something hard. i looked up and saw Grayson.

"please angel. i really am sorry, i've been so stressed over work and trying to find the guy who stabbed you. but that's not an excuse. you were trying to be there for me and i love you so much for that." he rambled.

"so... i ran you a warm bath upstairs, your favorite book is sitting on our bathroom counter, and i lit your favorite candles. i'm so sorry and i wanna make up for it." he said. i sighed and looked down. i want to forgive him, but at the same time, i don't because i want him to learn it's not okay to treat me like that.

"fine. but i don't fully forgive you though." i said. he smiled and nodded his head.

"i'll take it." i turned around and started to walk upstairs back to Hadley.

"no, you go take your bath, i'll take care of Hadley." he said as he came up behind me. i smiled and walked to our bathroom.

~~~Grayson's POV

"i'm hungry daddy." Lea whined as she walked into the living room. all the kids got done swimming about an hour ago and i already gave them baths.

"where's mommy?" i asked, confused because she always tells Bella she wants food because i suck at cooking. Lea shrugged her shoulders and i got a little worried.

i stood up and told Lea to wait a second. i ran upstairs to our bathroom and opened the door.

the candles were burned down, leaving a bunch of wax. it smelt really good. like vanilla.

i looked at the bath, and saw Bella. she was asleep and her book was barely in the water. i lifted it out and the corner was wet. i sat it on the bathroom counter to dry and then lifted Bella out of the bath. she was out like a light.

i dried her off and then slipped one of my shirts over her head. i put her in just underwear because i know she likes to sleep like that but usually Lea sleeps with us so she puts on shorts.

i kissed her forehead and laid her under the covers.

"Gray?" she said as she looked around confused.

"yeah, i'll go make dinner, you stay here." i said. she smiled and motioned for me to come over. i laid my head on her chest and she ran her fingers through my hair.

"i love you Grayson. but if you make dinner, you might burn the house down." i chuckled and looked up at her. she kissed my nose and sat up.

she stretched her arms and then rubbed her eyes.

"i'll call you when dinners ready." she said. i nodded my head and kissed her lips one more time before she went downstairs.

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