Part 38

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                             ~Bella's POV~
"that felt so good." i said to Emma as we walked back to my car, after we got a massage and got our nails done.

"i know, it kind of felt weird having another mans hands that weren't Ethan's, all over my back." i nodded my head, feeling the same way but of course Graysons hands, not Ethan's.

i turned my phone on since i'd turned it off so i wouldn't have any distractions, and saw i had 3 miss calls and 5 texts from Grayson.

Gray- hey my love, i'm just checking in to make sure you're alright. have a good time and i love you.

Gray- are you guys okay?

Gray- Bella please answer, i'm getting worried.

Gray- Bella, me and Ethan are worried answer me please.

Gray- Bella?

Bella- hey sorry baby, i turned my phone off so it wouldn't go off during the massage. everything is great and we're picking up some pizzas for dinner. we'll be home soon, love you!

Gray- thank God. i thought something happened. i love you too.
read 6:34 pm

i looked back over at Emma and saw she was looking at her phone as well.

"Ethan texting you?" i asked. she laughed and nodded her head.

"he's worried something happened."

"yeah, Graysons doing the same thing. he's so overprotective." i said. as soon as i mentioned Grayson's name, she became silent and awkward.

"is everything okay?" i asked a little worried.

"uh- ye- yeah, everything's perfect." i smiled and nodded my head before driving to the pizza place.


"it was weird, as soon as i mentioned you, she got silent and awkward. did something happen between you two?" i asked Grayson as we both brushed our teeth before bed. he shook his head and spit his toothpaste.

"no, everything is fine. you're just over thinking it. let's get to bed." i nodded my head and rinsed my mouth out. Grayson got into bed first, while i went downstairs to make sure all the doors were locked.

once i made sure they were, i walked back up and checked on the kids.

i went to Caleb and Avery's room first and saw Avery was sound asleep but Caleb wasn't in his bed. i grew worried and went to Hadley's room. i saw she wasn't in her room either.

i finally made it to Leas and saw they were all watching a movie on her tablet. i sighed in relief and walked over to them.

"whatcha guys watching?" i asked as i laid beside Caleb.

"The Princess and the Frog." i smiled and kissed all of their foreheads before standing back up.

"you guys need to go to bed soon, Hadley you and Lea have dance tomorrow and Caleb you have a play date with Aaron and Tanner." they all nodded their heads and i turned the lights off.

"i love you guys." they all said i love you too and i went to Tyler and Bailey room.

i saw them both sound asleep, which made me smile. Tyler was cuddling with Kylie since she came this morning. she'll probably stay 2 or 3 nights before she goes back to her actual house. Bailey was asleep in her bed by herself.

i walked back to mine and Grayson's room and saw he was asleep as well. i awed at how cute he looked and crawled into bed. he moved a little before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer.

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