Part 19

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~Bella's POV~ 1 week later
"REALLY!" i heard Bailey yell. i walked to the kitchen and saw her and Lea fighting.

"why are you being so mean today?" Lea asked Bailey. Bailey rolled her eyes and pushed Lea out of the way. she fell to the ground with a thud and Bailey just kept walking.

Lea stood up and ran towards her. she slapped Bailey's back as hard as she could and that pissed Bailey off.


"ENOUGH!" Grayson yelled. it rang through the now silent house. Grayson is pretty scary when he gets ticked off, but when you full on piss him off, you better start running. he never yells at our kids. especially the girls.

"LEA, GO TO YOUR ROOM, BAILEY YOU TO MY OFFICE NOW!" he yelled again. Lea ran upstairs and Bailey walked to his office.

when Grayson tells the kids to go to his office, that means they're in deep shit.

~Bailey's POV~
shit. i walked into my dads office and sat in one of his chairs. when we have to go to his office, that means we really screwed up.

he walked in, slamming the door behind him. i jumped a little and kept my head down.

"you have 2 seconds to tell me why you're pushing and cussing at your little sister." he said, really mad. i could tell he was stressed and me acting like a 2 year old isn't helping. i burst into tears and he ran to my side.

"shh, don't cry princess. i didn't mean to scare you." he said as he rubbed my back. i shook my head.

"i'm on my stupid period. i don't even know why i'm crying." i said as i wiped my tears. he chuckled which made me mad.

"it's not funny!"

"you and your mom are the exact same. every little thing pisses you off. i don't understand and i never will but try to be a little nicer." he said. i nodded my head and he kissed my temple.

"great, now go apologize to Lea." i groaned and he gave me the "now." look. i stood up and walked out of the room.

i walked to the living room where the stair case is and saw mom laying on the couch with Caleb. she gave me soft eyes and i walked up the stairs.

knock knock
"Lea?" i asked as i knocked on the door

"go away!" i sighed and opened the door. i saw her holding her teddy bear while crying. i walked over and sat next to her.

"i'm sorry Lee, i'm having girl problems you won't understand until you're older. it's frustrating and i'm sorry i snapped at you." she looked up at me and smiled.

"i was faking it, i wasn't actually mad." i rolled my eyes and stood up. Lea is really good at fake crying and faking things. she does it just to get us to feel bad for her.

"whatever." i walked out of her room and went to mine and Tys. i walked in and saw him and Kylie making out in my bed.

"STOP!" i screamed. i heard footsteps running up the stairs and my dad flew into the room.

"what's wrong!?" he asked out of breath.

"Tyler and Kylie were going to have sex in my bed!" i said. Kylies cheeks turned pink and Tyler rolled his eyes.

"chill out. your bed is more comfortable so we laid down and things got a little heated. no big deal." Ty explained.

"okay then. if it's no big deal, i'll go get a boy and have sex in your bed." i spit back.

"woah woah. there will be no such thing. Tyler, get out of her bed and never do that again because that's disgusting. Bailey, you aren't going to have sex as long as i'm alive." my dad said.

"too bad i already lost my virginity then." i mumbled. my dads eyes widened and his jaw clenched.

"YOU WHAT!" he yelled. i ran out of the room and downstairs. my dad and Tyler were right behind me, both looking mad. Tyler is also very protective over me so i probably shouldn't have said that.

"mom! help me!" she looked confused as i hid behind her.

"i'm gonna beat your ass!" Tyler said as he ran towards me.

"MOM!" i yelled for her to protect me from my raging brother. she stood in front of me and looked at Tyler confused.


"okay. first of all, don't ever yell at me like that again. second of all, she's 16. you lost your virginity at 15. i don't understand why it's such a big deal. Tyler, you and Kylie were all over each other as soon as you came out of the womb, so don't get mad. you and Bailey are literally the same age so if you're old enough to have sex, then she's old enough to have sex." my mom said. both their faces turned from angry, to embarrassed.

that's one of the things i love most about my mom. she can shut anyone down really quick. especially my dad. we all think of her as the queen of the house. we all do what she's says, or she'll chew your ass out to the point where you won't have one anymore.

"you don't understand Bella. our baby girl lost her virginity. why aren't you freaking out about this!?" my dad asked.

"Grayson. she's 16. isn't that good for what most kids now a days lose theirs?" dad thought for a second before sighing.

"whatever." he walked out, with Tyler following behind him.

"thank you. i thought i was literally going to die." she laughed and kissed my cheek.

"if he ever does anything like that again, come to me and i'll straighten him out." i nodded my head knowing i could always come to my mom. she smiled and walked out.

                             ~Bella's POV~
"what the hell." i mumbled to myself as my 3rd package today came. it's always red roses with a little card.

have a great day beautiful.
~your lover

i smiled and brought them inside. i'm assuming it's Grayson since our anniversary is coming up.

i walked to the kitchen and grabbed a vase, filling it with sink water. i grabbed the roses and stuck them in before putting them in the window seal.

"those are pretty, where'd you get them?" Grayson asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist. i laid my head on his shoulder and looked at the flowers.

"you didn't get them for me?" i asked confused. he shook his head no.

"i've gotten 3 packages today that had roses and a note with them. i thought since our anniversary was coming up, you had gotten them for me. i put some in our bedroom, some in the babies room, and these in here." he let go of me and walked to the flowers.

he took them out of the vase and checked them out. he pulled a tiny black device that was blinking red out of one of the roses.

"hidden camera." he said as he threw it on the ground and smashed it with his foot. he looked back at me and ran upstairs.

he went into Avery and Caleb's room, where they were both taking their afternoon nap. the flowers were sitting in between both of their cribs. Grayson looked through the flowers one by one until he found the camera.

he did it just like that one before than ran to our bedroom. it was sitting in our bathroom.

this was the first set i got at 7 am this morning. they are sitting on our bathroom counter, where i took a shower this morning.

whoever is watching the footage on the cameras, has saw me naked. i was mortified.

Grayson smashed it and flushed it down the toilet along with the other two. he looked at me and i must've had a scared look on my face because he brought me into a hug.

"it's okay bebe. i'll find who did this." he kissed my cheek and i nodded my head.

Gang HouseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora