Part 16

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~Grayson's POV~
Bailey and Bella haven't came out in of the twins room in hours. i've been just sitting on the couch, staring at the wall.

i don't know what happened but i heard someone called her a slut and to lose their number. i was tempted to go in there and beat whoever said that's ass but i didn't want to blow our cover.

i think i upset Bailey when i forced her to go. i didn't want to but i needed her because she is the only teenage girl in the house.

"daddy, Avery won't stop crying." Hadley said as she ran into the living room. i stood up and followed her to Avery and Caleb's room.

her cries were loud and i'm surprised i didn't hear them before.

"hey princess." i lifted her up and kissed her cheeks. she tried to grab my boob once again so i knew what she needed.

i walked to Bailey and Tys room and knocked on the door.

"NO!" Bella yelled through the door.

"Avery needs you." i said. i heard a sigh and the door opened. i looked in and saw Bailey with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Bella took Avery and walked past me.

"do not go in there." she warned me. i put my hands up in defense and she walked to our room.

i looked back at Bailey and saw her wiping her tears. i know Bella told me not to go in but i can't just stand here and watch my baby girl cry.

i walked in and sat beside her. she scooted away, not wanting to sit by me.

"Bailey, i'm sorry. i didn't think it would make you this upset. i heard what the guy said so is that why you're sad?" i asked. she shook her head no.

"his name was Clay. we've been talking for a while and when he saw me with another guy, he freaked. i told you i didn't want to do it because i knew this would happen." i was upset that she didn't tell me she was talking to a guy but i understand that i can be a little overprotective sometimes.

i pulled her into a hug and she cried into my chest.

"i'm sorry princess, why didn't you tell me?" i said as i kissed the top of her head.

"i was scared."

"you have to tell me these things. if i had known, i would've worked something else out baby." she nodded her head and wiped her tears.

"i'm sorry for running off and worrying you." she said as she sat back up.

"it's alright, i was being an asshole. but don't do it again because i was scared something happened to my baby girl." she shook her head.

"i'm not a baby." she said as she wiped her tears.

"you'll always be my baby girl. even when you're 60." she smiled and hugged me. we heard a knock on the door and Tyler walked in. her smile got even bigger and she hugged her twin brother.

"i'm sorry Bails. i just wanted to get this mission over with. i didn't know you'd get this mad. it was hell, not having my twin sister talk to me." he said. Bailey laughed and hugged him tighter.

"it's okay. i forgive you guys." i smiled at my two oldest babies and walked out, leaving them time by themselves. i walked to mine and Bella's room.

shit. now i have to make it up to Bella. i know how protective she gets when it comes to the kids. and i made Bailey cry and run off so i have a bunch of making up to do.

"what?" she asked coldly as she pulled her shirt down.

"i can't come in here so see my beautiful little girl and my stunning wife?" i said, trying to butter her up.

"don't talk to me unless you've apologized to Bailey." she said while looking down at Avery.

"i have. she told me about Clay and everything. she forgave me so please forgive me my queen." i said as i laid down beside her. she sighed and stood up.

"fine." i smiled and pecked her lips. she checked the time on her phone and the. turned back to me.

"order pizza, it's too late for me to cook dinner." she said. i nodded my head and she pecked my lips come more time before walking out.


"i wanted that piece bitch." Bailey said to Tyler after he took the biggest slice of pizza.

"language." Bella wanted. Tyler ate the pizza right in front of Bailey and was smiling the whole time. she rolled her eyes and grabbed the next biggest slice.

"daddy, i need ranch." Lea said. i grabbed it from the fridge and handed it to her.

Caleb and Hadley only had one slice but Lea, Bailey, and Tyler all had 2. Bella has 2 as well and i had 3. Bella fed Avery small pieces of hers as we all ate.

"dad, i need a new pair of shoes. Caleb got sharpie and drew all over my white converse." Bailey said as she bit into her pizza. i nodded my head and looked at Caleb.

he threw a piece of pineapple off of his pizza at Hadley and she threw it back.

"that's enough." i said. they both looked up, not knowing i was watching them. they both went back to eating and Bella picked up the pineapple off the ground.

she threw it away before sitting back down and finishing eating.

"so are you ready for your birthday?" Bella asked me. today is December 13th, meaning mine and Ethan's birthday is 3 days away. i shook my head no.

"why not?" she asked.

"i'll be turning 38. 2 years away from 40, i'll have grey hair soon." i said, not ready to have grey hairs yet. Bella laughed and shook her head.

"you'll be the hottest guy i've ever seen with grey hair." she whispered in my ear as she walked by to put her plate in the sink. i chuckled and put mine in the sink as well.

Gang HouseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon