Part 42

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                             ~Bella's POV~
i woke up, with a terrible pain in my lower stomach. i groaned and flipped over, only to be met with a sleeping Grayson. i couldn't help but smile at my gorgeous husband.

it's around 3 am and it's still pitch black out but the moon was shining through our window. i sat up, feeling a sticky feelings between my legs. a feeling i know all to well. my period.

i sighed in frustration and stood up. i turned on my lamp and saw a huge stain on not only my shorts, but on our white bed sheets. i groaned, and walked to the bathroom. i changed my shorts and underwear before putting my tampon in and washing my hands.

i walked back into mine and Grayson's room and saw him still peacefully sleeping. i feel bad but it's just Grayson. i know he won't get mad over this.

i shook him gently and his beautiful hazel eyes fluttered open. he rubbed his eyes sleepily before looking over at me.

"is everything okay angel?" his voice raspy and deep, just like every morning when he wakes up.

"my fucking period. i bled through my shorts and now it's on the bedsheets." i explained as i pointed to it. he sighed before sitting up and nodding his head.

"we can go lay in the guest bedroom while we wait for these sheets to wash, you go take a shower and i'll clean this up." he said sleepily. i smiled and pecked his lips before walking back into the bathroom.


i tossed in turned in the guest bed. my stomach cramps making me whimper in pain. i felt Grayson pull me close and rubbed the area of my stomach that's hurting.

"i'll go get you an heating pad and some motrin. do you want some candy or anything to drink?" he asked sweetly. i was scared to bother him again while he was sleeping and i think he knew that, that's why he asked. i smiled, even though he couldn't see it because it was dark.

"please? and i really want some skittles and a glass of water." he chuckled and kissed my forehead before getting up and walking out.

a few minutes later, he came back with the pack of candy, a glass of water, a heating pad and medicine. i don't know how he carried it all but he figured it out. i turned on the lamp and he walked over to me.

"here you go my queen." i giggled and he sat all the stuff down on my bed side table.

"thank you Grayson."

"you're welcome princess. i'll always be here to help you." i smiled and pecked his lips before he got back into bed. i turned the heating pad on, and placed it on my stomach.

i took the medicine and drank water after so it would go down. i opened the skittles and offered one to Grayson. he gladly accepted it and he ate a few more after.

when we both had enough, i put it on the night stand and flipped my lamp off, still having the heating pad on my stomach.

Grayson wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the tip of my nose. i dug my head into the crook of his neck, leaving some small kisses.

he rubbed my back soothingly and soon, i was sound asleep.

~~~ Grayson's POV

i walked downstairs to start breakfast since Bella is still sleeping. i know she didn't get much since her cramps so i'm going to let her sleep in today. i got a text from the guys, saying we're going to go have a guys night tonight.

i'm sure Bella won't mind so i texted back and said i'll be there.

"daddy? where's mommy?" Avery asked.

"she's still asleep, do you need something?" she nodded her head and i bent down to her level.

"she said i'm not aloud to go to the backyard because Milo is there. well now there are more Milos and they're hungry. can i feed them?" she asked with puppy dog eyes.

"who's Milo?"

"he's the kitty that lives under you tiny home. mommy told me i couldn't go see him anymore because he might bite me and give me rabies." she said sadly.

"well if mommy said no, then no. i'll have to go check and make sure it's really a kitty. stay inside or go to the front for now." she nodded her head and ran off.

"daddy?" i heard someone say. i turned around and saw Lea. i smiled and walked over to her.

"what's up princess?" she seemed sad and worried.

"i need to tell mom something." i grew worried as well and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"your mom is asleep but whatever it is, you can tell me." i said softly. she sighed and walked to living room. i followed her and sat next to her on the couch.

a tear fell from her eye, making my heart break. i pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head.

"don't cry princess, take your time." after about 5 minutes, she finally pulled it together and took a deep breath.

"i don't like guys." was all she said, making me happy.

"that's great! now i don't have to worry about you getting a boyfriend." i said with a smile, thinking that she'll never want a boyfriend.

"no, i mean- i- ilikegirls." she mumbled the last part really fast and i couldn't understand what she was saying.

"i couldn't understand that."

"i like girls." she whispered. it grew so quiet and i saw tears come to her eyes when i didn't say anything.

"i knew you'd hate me, i didn't want to tell you but Bailey said i needed to." she cried.

"no no, i love you Lea, so much. i don't care who you like, as long as you're happy. i don't know what else to say besides nothing you could ever do, will ever make me hate you. you're my little princess and i love you, all your siblings, and your mom more than life itself. i could never hate any of you." she smiled hugged me tightly.

"thank you dad." i smiled and kissed her temple.

"you're welcome baby, if you ever need to talk to me, never be scared." she nodded her head and stood up.

now it all makes sense. when she was 9, she hated wearing dresses, skirts, bows, and even makeup. she always said it didn't feel right and i thought that she meant the clothes didn't fit her.

but i'll always love her regardless and i know Bella will too. we still have to tell her and the rest of the family and i'll be right by her side.


my new book is up! it's called, "Fame" if you wanna check it out. there is only one more chapter to this book!

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