Part 34

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                         ~Grayson's POV~
i woke up with the sun shining right in my face. i groaned and flipped over, only to be faced with Bailey. i jumped a little, not expecting her to be laying there.

i didn't see Bella so i sat up. i heard the sink water running, meaning she was probably brushing her teeth. Bailey stirred in her sleep and then cuddled closer to me. i smiled and watched as she laid her head on my bare chest and held onto me.

i kissed her forehead before falling back to sleep myself.

                             ~Bella's POV~
i brushed my teeth and wiped my mouth before walking back into mine and Grayson's room. Bailey came into our bed in the middle of the night. every now and then, one of the kids will come get in bed with us which i don't have a problem with.

her and Grayson were cuddling, which made my heart melt. i smiled and kissed both of their foreheads, before grabbing my phone and walking downstairs.

i saw Hadley and Caleb were already awake, playing with barbies and toy cars. it's around 9 so most the kids should be getting up pretty soon.

"good morning my babies." i said, making them both look up. they smiled and i kissed their cheeks before walking to the kitchen. i turned the stove on and started cooking some eggs, french toast, and bacon. it took around 15 minutes before everyone started coming down.

everything was mostly made, i just had to get the plates and silverware out.

"morning mom." Tyler said as he kissed my cheek. he was only wearing a pair of basketball shorts and no shirt. he used to go around in just boxers but i told him and Grayson to stop because they both did it and we have babies running around the house.

"morning." i smiled and kissed everyone's cheeks as they walked down. i pecked Grayson's lips instead and i don't mean to be rude, but he looks like he just rose from the dead.

his hair has gotten extremely long, almost to his mouth. it was everywhere too. i held in a laugh as he walked by me. he rolled his eyes and grabbed a plate.

i helped make Hadley and Caleb's plate while Grayson helped Lea and Avery. Avery is walking now, but unfortunately, i wasn't here for her first step. she can say, princess, mama, dada, and bubba. she's 11 months, tomorrow is her first birthday.

"MAMA!" she screamed as Hadley accidentally knocked her over. she fell onto her butt, not that hard, but still made a big deal about it.

i walked over to her and picked her up. she screamed again, but not one tear fell from her eye. she's just being dramatic and i know who she gets it from. i looked at Grayson and he shrugged his shoulders.

"you're okay princess, it didn't even hurt." i said in a baby voice. she looked at me and stopped screaming.

"now go wait for mama to put you in your high chair." she slid out of my arms and ran to her high chair. i sighed before grabbing her little princess plate from Grayson and walking over to her.


"you guys are going to go with daddy, while i stay here with Avery and get her ready." i said to the kids. they nodded their heads and Grayson walked in.

"ready?" he asked. they nodded their heads and Hadley jumped into his arms. Lea, Bailey, Tyler, and Caleb followed behind. Caleb was being carried by Bailey.

"happy birthday princess." he pecked Avery's lips and then mine.

"i love you guys, be safe." i said.

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