Part 22

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~Grayson's POV~
"hi! last name please?" the receptionist asked me as i walked into my hotel.

"Dolan." she typed in something on her keyboard before turning around to get my key.

ring ring
ring ring

i took my phone out of my pocket and saw it was Ethan.

Grayson- hello

Ethan- Bella

Grayson- what? is everything okay!?

Ethan- no. the baby

Grayson- what about Bella and the baby?

Ethan- there was blood Gray. everywhere. the baby didn't make it.

i immediately hung up and ran out. i called for my driver and got on the next flight to LA


"Bella Dolan." i said to the receptionist as soon as i walked through the hospital door.

"she's doesn't want anyone but her husband in the room with her. i'm sorry sir."

"i am her husband. Grayson Dolan." she typed something in and then looked at me.

"room 69." i ran through the waiting room and saw my parents and sister. i guess they flew down.

i flew through the room door and saw Bella laying in the hospital with tears streaming down her face. her eyes were really puffy and her cheeks were beet red. i walked in, making her look up.

"Grayson." her voice was quiet from crying. i ran over to her and held her in my arms.

"it's okay. i'm here my love. deep breaths." her breathing was getting heavier and heavier. soon they were short and quick. she was having a panic attack.

"Bella. breath. in... out... in... out." she repeated after me and soon it was back to normal.

"it's okay." i held her tighter and she cried into my chest.

"no it's not. our baby- our baby is dead." she croaked out. i kissed the top of her head and let her cry it out. i rubbed my hand on her big tummy since the baby is still in there.

"hey, hey. we can try again if you want. we can do whatever you want. it's all my fault. i should've been there but instead i left you. it's my fau-"

"don't blame yourself baby. it's none of our faults." she said as she wiped some of the tears that fell from my eyes.

she sat up, laying my head on her chest. i cried harder and she rocked us back and forth.

"don't blame yourself." she whispered as she kissed my temple. the door opened and a nurse walked in. she gave us a kind smile but neither of us returned one.

"we need to remove the baby from your stomach." she said. another tear slid down my cheek and Bella nodded her head. i sat up so they could give her the numbing medicine.

she pulled her pants down a tiny bit so they could get to her back hip. i know Bella hates needles but she's trying to be strong for me. i grabbed her hand and she tried not to look behind her where the huge needle was.

she winced and squeezed my hand. a tear rolled down her cheek and they pulled the needle out.

"it's over my love." she fell into my arms, not being able to feel anything from the waist down.

"i need you to sit in this seat. you'll push the baby out, just as if you're giving birth. do not move, or you will be paralyzed permanently. whenever you're ready, push this button and we'll come to help." the nurse explained. we nodded our heads and she walked out.

i kissed her forehead and sat her down in the seat. she can still feel a little bit of her legs but we have to wait for it to fully numb.


"i'm ready." she said. i pushed the button and 45 seconds later, 2 nurses walked in.

"are we ready?" we shook our head yes and she put on some gloves.

"there will be no cry. and remember, try not to move." Bella nodded her head and i sat in front of her.

"on 3. 1...2...3" Bella pushed as hard as she could and squeezed my hand. a tear slid on down her cheek so i wiped it for her.

"ready. 1...2...3." she did another big push and then nurse said the feet were coming first.

"1...2...3" she push one more time and half the body came out.

"one more small push." finally the baby was out. i was hoping to hear a cry but it never happened. Bella held the baby to her chest.

she was in the second trimester so the baby has fingers, toes, nails, eyelashes, eyebrows, and it's bones are more defined. she kissed his forehead and looked down at him.

she was 6 months pregnant but we were going to wait to find the gender out. he was a boy and Bella handed him to me.

i held my small boy in my arms and kissed the top of his nose. i tear slid down my cheek and landed on his forehead. i wiped it and held him closer.


i stood above my sons grave. we just buried him, and all of our family is here. i held Bailey close because she's just as emotional as Bella.

she snuggled closer to my chest and i kissed her forehead. i looked over at Bella and saw she was crying into the crook of my moms neck.

my dad walked over to me and patted my shoulder. a tear rolled down my cheek and this time, i left it.

"daddy?" i looked down and saw Caleb. i smiled and lifted him off the ground. he laid his on my shoulder and looked at the grave.

"bubba?" he asked as he pointed at it.

"yeah. that's your baby brother." he smiled and looked back at me.

"can i howd him wike i did wif Avewy?" (2 year old talk)

"no baby. he's up in the sky and one day, you'll be able to meet him and play with him." his smile grew wide and he slipped out of my arms. he bent down and kissed the grave. i smiled and he hugged it.

"i wove you bubba" another tear slid down my cheek and Caleb stood back.

"i'm sure he loves you too buddy." i wiped another tear and Bella walked over. she has stopped crying now but her eyes are really puffy.

"people are starting to leave. we should go." she said. i nodded my head and watched as my dad picked Caleb up.

"Hadley, Lea, Aaron. come on, let's go." they all ran over with sunflowers in their hands.

"this is for baby brother." Hadley said. i smiled and they all laid them on top of his grave. Bella carries Aaron while i carried Hadley and Lea ran towards Ethan.

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