Part 24

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Love, Caramel

There is a thin line between destroying and protecting in love sometimes. Love is complicated. You won't understand it with logic, use your heart.

Juliet Watson:

The day I have been waiting for for my entire 17 years of existence has finally about to come. Yes. It's the graduation day! Wohooo! I had finished all of my final exams and assignments so all i have to do is wait for the result and the graduation party.

It's been 6 months and I have to say, Jeffrey and I are getting stronger each and every day. He is not afraid to show his affection to me in front of other people. People even began to give me a nickname "The Queen who tamed the Cold Prince". Jeffrey has been smiling more, making his gorgeous face even look more handsome.

Our relationship got even more serious as he promise himself that he is going to face my parents on graduation day to ask for my hand in marriage.

Crazy? I know...

I wasn't planning to go straight to university. I decided to take a gap year to travel the world and found my passion before continuing my study.

"Hannah Juliet Xacar, tell me it isn't true!?" I was shocked when I found my mom bursted to my room with an angry look at her face.

She only use my real full name if she is really angry.

My father used his middle name as our family name in this island because he don't want to be known as the Xacar. He has done this since he was in the university because he didn't want people to treat him differently because he was a multimillionaire son.

Papa was supportive to this idea since he also don't want his business rivals know about his children. There are many who were jealous with papa's successful business, so he tried to do his best so that many people don't know about his private life, he doesn't want to risk to put  his own family in danger.

"What do you mean, mom?"

"Tell me you are not dating the heir of Phoenix Corp." She gripped my arms and looked at me deeply with a glimpse of hurt in her eyes.

"Tell me you are not dating Jeffrey Romeo Xander!" She said again. This time slowly but her eyes were so desperate when she looked at mine.

I exhaled loudly, trying not to loose my anger in front of my own mother. "Why can't I?"

Her grips loosen in my arms as she backed away a little, looking at me with a blank face. Like she has lost her soul.

Her eyes were empty for a moment before she looked deeply at mine. "Break up with him."

"What!? Why!? Mom-"

"I said break up with him Hannah!" She insisted.

I shook my head. "No...I won't! I love him."

"Hannah! Just listen to me! This is for your own good!"

"Break. Up. With. Him." She said, accentuating every words.

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