Chapter 32

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Some living things live in the darkness... They are the beast that take on human form and drink human blood and that's what they call vampires.. But in every vampires exist they are humans spend they whole lives with the task of hunting down vampires.. They are called the vampire hunters.

Yuki, Zero and Kaien was eating dinner.. And to be precise... Kaien did the cooking..

"This is my original creation.. Liver with fried veggies.. Stewed green vegetable with meat, minced fish  and many others.." Kaien was smiling happily because it's rare for the two of them eat his cooking.. "How is it??". He continued.

"Well... This is the first food you make that is edible to eat.." Zero answered bluntly..

"Zero... You hurt your father's feelings.." Kaien started to anime cried.

"Headmaster... If I remember correctly... To what I presume.. I never thought of you being my dad..." Zero was irritated..

"Zero... Stop it.. Just finish your food.." Yuki stop him..

"Even you my daugther?? It's such a rare occasion for us to eat together.. The three of us.. And you eating my cooking... Ever since Yumika take over my responsibilty to feed you.. I worked so hard just to make this original creation just for you... You know... Mother is so sad!!" Kaien said with a depress tone.

"Headmaster... Even though you said it as your original creation this is good to be true.. Every day Yumika made this kind of food too.. But compare to her cooking. This is edible enough to eat without choking or spitting it out.. No offense.." Yuki said directly.

"Headmaster.. Didn't I tell you not to count me as your 'son' I don't remember having two dads." Zero added.

Kaien was even more depress.. But then he just look up because of the sudden silence.. He smile..

"Nevermind, at least you both eating my food.." Kaien sighed and smile while saying it. Then the two suddenly look at with a serious tone to the Headmaster.. "Anyway... Did anything... Happen to the both of you outside the Academy premises? Yuki's injury..." Kaien stop.. When Yuki remembered what happen.

Yuki POV

I suddenly stop eating when the headmaster asked about my injury.. And then I remember what happen.. What Ichijou-senpai said..
"Why we took care of that vampire? If you want to know.. Come to the Moon Dorm late at night.. It's my birthday party.. Don't you want to know the details right??" this is what Ichijou-senpai said before they leave..

"Can I tell the headmaster about this?? Or even to Yumika?? Zero didn't mention about what happened earlier to the headmaster and not even to Yumika.. Well it's not we want to keep it a secret to Yumika but..." I said in my head.

"These injuries are..." I was going to explain how I got the injury when Headmaster talked again..

"Ahh.. Right.. I almost forgot.. Zero... Here.. You have almost finished those you had right?" I look at the headmaster hand.. And so does Zero.. It was a blood tablet case.. Full of blood tablet that the vampire in the Academy drink to ease the thrist of blood. Zero look at it for a while and accept it..

"Zero.. Is that... A blood tablets??" I asked him worriedly.

"Yuki.. Don't be at a loss.. From now on this will be a daily thing.." Zero explain to me calmly.

"Ah..." Is the only word came out to my mouth.. But my mind was thinking about him.. "Zero.. You should be the one at loss.." I was silently thinking this when... The headmaster talked. My thoughts disappear because of his voice..

"Yuki.. my daughter.. Why are you wearing such expressions?? Even though this tablets are for restraining blood thrist.. It's actually that similar to eating meals.." The headmaster was happily explaining it to us... When Zero suddenly stand up and look at the headmaster intently.. "Calm down.. You should think positively... Zero Kiryu-kun.." The headmaster continue with a strain voice.. I sigh..

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