Chapter 28

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Julia's day seemed to drag on at work. She did her job and just that. Her smile never seemed to reach her eyes. Before she left her apartment earlier she made sure to cover her hickeys with make up. Crysta kept an eye on her.

"So Jules what plans do you have after work?" Crysta asks

Julia shrugs "Probably the same thing I do every night. Pop in a movie and have some tea."

"But Jules what about...."

The doorbell rings cutting her off and Tina swaggers in with her cronies. Julia sighs and rolls her eyes; she is not in the mood to deal with her right now. Crysta sees who it is and ushers Julia to the back room. Giving her some excuse that she needs some more cups. Julia sighs and grabs the ladder.

The door opens again a few seconds later and Steve strolls in. Crysta smiles a welcome to him and indicates that he should go into the back room. He takes the hint and quickly walks into the room she indicated. Looking up he sees Julia on a ladder pulling down sleeves of cups. Before long the ladder starts to wobble and Julia falls; the scream that comes from her mouth is cut short when she notices someone's holding her.

Steve chuckles "Doll open your eyes I've got you."

Julia opens her eyes and looks up to see Steve. She sighs with relief and hugs him tight.

"Thank you so much. I could've gotten seriously hurt," Julia rambles.

"Its no problem. Besides I'm your ride since I won the coin toss. Buck won something else."

Julia laughs softly," Well I guess I should thank one of my heroes properly."

"Well if you insist," Steve smiles.

Julia pulls his head down and kisses him the way she wanted this morning. She moans into his mouth not hearing the door open.

"Jules are you...well sorry for interrupting," Crysta says chuckling.

"Well I never!" Tina exclaims shoving the door open

"Leave it Tina. You embarrassed her enough a few days ago with that water stunt," Crysta chastised her.

"Fin when those two finish maybe we can all go out to a club on Friday alright," Tina requests.

"Maybe I'll ask later alright?"

Tina nods and they both leave the store room.

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