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Cayden Walker, or as he was known to his friends, Agent Delaware, or Del, was sitting atop the roof of Blue Base, one of two simulation military bases in a box canyon called Blood Gulch. Everyone else was asleep, as they would be given new orders the next day about transferring to new military locations.

Del looked up at the sky and then looked to the set of armor next to him. A set of Gen2 Centurion Ironside Spartan armor. He had modified the colors of the armor, but he had yet to try it on. In his defense, however, it had only arrived a few hours ago. Del took a deep breath and stood up. After a short stretch, he put the armor on

[Keep the Blue and imagine Black where the Yellow is]

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[Keep the Blue and imagine Black where the Yellow is]

Del found the armor quite comfortable, but before he put his helmet on, he looked at the the custom paint job he gave the armor. The Blue was there simply because that was a favorite color of Del's. But the black highlights were there in memoriam of someone that Del had lost not too long ago.

Her name was Allison, but everyone knew her as Agent Texas, or Tex. She was a good friend to Del, and she sacrificed herself to save everyone.

"We miss you, Tex." Del whispered. He then saw a tear splash onto the helmet's golden visor. He wiped the tear away and slipped the helmet on.

"Del?" A voice called from behind Del. He turned to see a soldier in blue Mark V armor.

Private Michael J. Caboose, a member of Blue Team. He wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he was Del's friend, and Del would lay down his life for the Sim Trooper.

"Caboose, why aren't you asleep?" Del asked.

"I wasn't sleepy." Caboose replied. "What are you doing up?"

"Trying out the new armor." Del then showcased the armor to the blue clad soldier. "What do you think?"

"It's pretty neat." Caboose said with a thumbs up.

Del looked away from his friend and back to the starry sky.

"You were thinking about Tex, weren't you?" Caboose asked, walking next to Del.

"Tex was like a sister to me in Freelancer." Del sighed. "Losing her was even more painful then losing my arm."

Del then looked down to his cybernetic right arm. The sensation of having a robotic limb was still relatively new to Del, even though he had his prosthetic for two and a half years.

[This is what Del's arm looks like for those who are wondering]

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[This is what Del's arm looks like for those who are wondering]

"Hey, Del?" Caboose asked.

"Yeah, buddy?" Del responded.

"You ever get the feeling something's going to happen?"

Del slung his arm over Caboose's shoulder.

"Sometimes." Del admitted. "But right now, all we can do is wait and see."
A/N: Guess who's back, back again? Skywarp's back, tell a friend. Lol, I had to. It feels awesome to be back, and I am SO damn excited for this story. I'll see you all in Chapter 1. Til the next one, everybody!

[Discontinued] Red vs Blue: Agent Delaware: ReconstructionWhere stories live. Discover now