Chapter VI- Crash and Burn

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Wash and The Blues his behind a tree next to Tex's Pelican crash site as a tank rolled past them.

"They didn't see us." Del whispered.

"Ok." Wash replied. "Stay out of sight."

The four made there way to the side of the Pelican. There, Del felt an overwhelming sense of sadness at seeing the wreckage that took one of his closest friends from him.

"Do you recognize this ship?" Wash asked.

"Yeah." Del grumbled, clenching his hand into a fist. "This is it."

"Sheila?" Caboose gasped. "Sheila, are you okay?"

"Uhm, what is he doing?" Wash questioned.

"Oh, right." Del said with a snap of his fingers. "We transferred our tank's training program into this Pelican so she could help us repair it."

"Did you inform Command that you moved the program to the ship?" Wash asked.

"Yeah, we aren't really big on paperwork." Church replied.

"That's actually a good thing in this case." Wash stated as he kneeled in front of the armor plating covering the control panel. "If they don't know it's here, they may not have tried to activate it."

Wash then removed a piece of scrap plating which revealed the control pane beneath. All the screens were cracked and blacked out.

"Aha!" Del cheered. "Here we go!"

"Hello..." A warbled and glitching computer voice greeted as the panels, switches and screens all lit up, "and thank you for activating the... wait, where am I?"

"Sheila?" Caboose exclaimed happily. 

"Program. Instruction." Wash ordered. "Run a full diagnostic, and load the logs from your last flight."

"Affirmative." Sheila obeyed. "Except... exception, this system has taken... taken damage. I am function... functioning at minimum capacity... city... city."

"Program. Instruction. Override exception..."

"Do not talk to her like that!" Caboose said angrily. "She is not a program!"

"Woah... what?" Wash said, being caught off guard by Caboose's outburst. "Calm down."

"Hey, I'm just gonna... stand behind Caboose... for a couple minutes." Church said taken several steps back. "You know, for safety reasons."

"Same here." Del added, joining Church behind Caboose.

The reason Del and Church were so cautious all of a sudden was because Caboose had an unforeseen temper below the surface that could threaten to come out if given enough reason too.

"Ok," Wash explained, "I only want to replay the logs from the crash. So you please get it..."

Wash saw Church and Del take two more steps back.

"I mean her..." Wash corrected, "to do that?"

Caboose looked from Wash to Del, who nodded silently and then Caboose turned to the control panel.

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