Chapter XXIX- Final Confrontation

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The Reds, Blues, Omegas and South were kicking it into overdrive. They still were not a safe enough distance away from the radius the E.M.P. blast would dish out. Del looked over to Caboose's Jeep when his eyes widened.

"Caboose!" Del called out. "Watch our for that rock!"

Del's warning came too late, as Caboose's Jeep crashed into a large rock, sending Church's body tumbling from the Gunner's Position to the ground.

"Oh no!" Caboose exclaimed, slamming on the brakes. "Church!"

"Caboose, c'mon!" Del called out. "What are you waiting for?"

"His body fell out!" Caboose countered. "He's gonna need it!"

"It's just a shell!" William cried. "Leave it."

The Reds, Del and The Omegas all started their vehicles again and began speeding away.

"Caboose, step on it or we're leaving you!" Cale called out.

Caboose took one last glance at Church's body before driving away.

Freelancer Command Control Room

The seven AIs that occupied The Meta's mind all appeared at the sight of Church, The Alpha AI.

"Y'know," Church laughed, "I can see why you didn't want anyone else in your head. You've got some pretty heavy stuff in there. I think you need to talk to a professional."

"That's too bad." Wash groaned. "I just lost my job, and we had great mental health coverage."

"How much time do you need?" Church asked.

"Whatever you can give me." Wash answered. "When the E.M.P. goes off..."

"When it goes off," Church said, "I'll be fine. It only affects computers, remember? And I am a motherfuckin' ghost."

Church ran to The Meta, vanishing. The other AIs followed suit, leaving The Meta clutching his head, giving pained growls.

"What's going on?!" The Director demanded.

"Agent Washington, please." The Counselor begged. "There is time. "If you would just secure Agent Maine, we can discuss this situation in a more civilized manner."

"No." Wash said. "We can't."

Punching a few more keys on the terminal, Wash activated the failsafe.

"Thank you." The computer voice said. "Failsafe initiated. Activating Emp."

"Emp?" Wash echoed. "You have got to be fucking jo..."

Before he could finish, a whitish-blue explosion appeared, disabling every piece of technology in the facility.

The Reds, Blues, Omegas and South all saw the explosion inching towards them.

"Don't slow down, people!!" William yelled.

Despite this, Omega Squad's Gausshog and Red Team's Warthog stalled out, bringing them both to a halt.

"Guys!" Del called out.

"Go, go, go!!!" Sarge urged.

"Get Epsilon our of here! Don't worry about us!" Grif said.

Heeding Grif's words, Del and Caboose continued driving, until they found themselves at a cliff. Del leapt off his Mongoose as to avoid falling, but Caboose's Jeep had to much Fowler propulsion, which sent him, South, and the Epsilon Unit flying over the edge of the cliff.
A/N: Another chapter bites the dust. The Epilogue will come tomorrow, I promise. That's really it. Til the next one, everybody!

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