Chapter XXVII- Plan of Retreat

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The group had made their way to a Parking Garage harboring numerous vehicles.

"What is this," Grif asked, "the motor pool?"

"Yep." William confirmed. "Looks like everyone's outside fending off The Meta."

"Good." Del sighed. "Means less resistance when we leave. Omegas, you take that Gausshog."

"Hell yeah." Cale laughed.

"Reds, you take that Jeep." Del continued.

"Roger that." Sarge said, entering the passenger seat.

"Blues, South, you take that Warthog over there."

Nodding, Caboose walked over the the car, leaping into the drivers seat.

"Caboose," South shuddered, "I'm scared to ask, but do you even know how to drive?"

"Yes." Caboose said. "But not an automatic; only stick."

"How do you not know how to..." Wash started.

"We're on the run! Save it for later!" Cale yelled out.

South and Wash stammered inaudibly before looking to Del, who simply shrugged.

"Church, put Epsilon in the Jeep. Once we make a break for it, we'll turn him over to the authorities. They'll know what to do."

Del hopped on a Mongoose when he saw that Wash was standing his ground.

"Wash, c'mon." Del said. "Let's go."

Wash let out a sigh and took off his helmet. His brown hair had darkened, his brown eyes had shadows underneath them, and a scar rested across the bridge of his nose.

"You're not coming, are you?" Del asked darkly, already knowing the answer.

"No. Church and I are staying." Wash said. "Project: Freelancer had one last resort failsafe: a high powered E.M.P that can wipe out all the AI in this facility."

"Now that The Meta's here, we have a chance to get rid of all of them and put Freelancer out of commission." Del said, catching on.

"What's an E.M.P?" Grif asked.

"E.M.P stands for Electromagnetic Pulse." William explained. "Its purpose is to wipe out any and all circuitry and computers it comes in contact with."

"Oh," Simmons drew out. "You mean an Emp."

"Yeah, I was just about to say." Sarge said. "Sounds like he's talkin' about an Emp."

"No." William replied. "It's an acronym. E.M.P. 'Emp' is not a word."

"I say it like that." Church said. "Emp."

"We don't have time for this." Wash said. "You're wrong."

"How about we put it to a vote?" Simmons suggested.

"A vote?" Del scoffed. "No. You're wrong. No vote. It's E.M.P. Not Emp. Done. End of discussion."

"Not very democratic." Caboose said, shaking his head.

"Being wrong ain't a democracy." Cale said.

"Well, I'm going with you." South said, exiting the passenger seat of Caboose's Jeep.

"No." Wash said. "South, I need you to stay with them. Make sure they make it out of this okay. If they don't..."

"No." South interrupted. "Del and the Omegas can handle these guys."

"Noel, I need you to..." Wash tried to say.

"NO!!!" South shouted, tearing her helmet from her head and tossing to Del's feet. "David, I left you behind once already. I'm not going to..."

Before she could continue, Wash snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her to him, planing a kiss on her lips. South's eyes widen momentarily before she melted into the kiss. The two parted, leaving South in shock.

"Please, Noel. Do it for me." Wash whispered.

"Damn you." South said, wiping a tear away and picking her helmet up. "Alright."

"Church and I will work our way down to The Director's Lab while the rest of you escape." Wash said.

"What if Maine hunts us?" William asked.

"No chance." Wash said. "There's no way he can pass up all the AI in here. Put Epsilon in the car and let's get moving."

"I'm leaving." Church said, entering the Jeep with Caboose and South. "I'm going with them."

"What?" Wash cried.

"Wash, I don't give a shit about any of this. I hate you, I hate The Freelancers, I hate everything about you guys. This isn't my fight; it's yours."

"Church," Del sighed, "this fight is as much yours as it is Wash's."

"Wha... Del, you're for this?!" Church cried. "I thought you hated Project: Freelancer!"

"I hate The Director, Church." Del specified. "Wash, South, they're my closest friends. They were just as blindsided as I was. We all have things we regret. Things that are gonna haunt us for the rest of our lives. The Director forced us to go through that. And he forced you to do even worse to yourself. He tortured you. The fact that you are in such heavy denial of that is a testament in itself."

"I don't care what you say." Church said after a brief moment of silence. "It isn't my fight."

"Church," Wash said, "you'll a never get another shot at fixing all of this. I know you don't believe what I've told you, but you need to ask yourself, what if Del and I are right? If we are, or if you have any doubts, not finding out will haunt you for the rest of your life. Not just finding out about you but... finding out about everyone close to you."

"At the end of the day, it's your choice, Church." Del said. "What's it gonna be?"
A/N: Hey, y'all! So, where have I been? Virtual School started for me this past Tuesday, and that needed my full attention. Priorities, you know? Cards on the table, I have absolutely NO IDEA how school is going to affect my updating this book, but I guess we'll find out. I can't believe we're almost done with this book. Crazy how time works. Til the next one, everybody!

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