Chapter XXIII- Fresh Perspective

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Dear Chairman, I imagine this investigation of our program is providing you with the kind of attention that politicians crave so much. How very predictable. What has surprised me most about mankind during The Great War is not our ability to adapt to the new arenas of conflict, but instead our willingness in victory to so quickly return to the old.

Del stared in awe at the AI in front of him. Glowing with an orange hue in Spartan Hoplite Armor, Echo was back. Somehow, he was back.

"I... I have so many questions." Del managed. He sat down as to keep his wobbling legs at bay.

"When we went on that mission at Sidewinder," Echo started, "I knew that there was a risk we would fail. Therefore, I judged it appropriate to make a backup of myself that would reveal itself when the time was right."

Del exhaled deeply in reply. He was at a a loss for words.

"We should get moving." Echo said. "I can imagine Agent Washington and Private Church are at each other's throats without us."

"Yeah." Del chuckled as he stood up. "Yeah, let's go."

As Del stood up, Echo disappeared.

When Del found Wash and Church, they were standing over an AI Unit Capsule.

"There you are." Wash said. "Where have you been? You've been gone for half an hour!"

"Wash," Del said, "I'm going to show you something that might... just... don't freak out."

With that, Echo appeared in front of Wash.

"Hello, Agent Washington." Echo greeted.

"Echo?!" Wash exclaimed. "But... we thought you..."

"Died?" Echo said, finishing Wash's sentence. "I guess, in a manner of speaking, I did."

"Echo created a backup of himself in my neural implants." Del said.

"I'm sorry," Church interjected, "can anyone explain to me who this is?"

Echo turned so he was visor-to-visor with Church.

"Greetings. I am Echo, The Alpha AI Fragment representing Pride and Confidence."

"Oh." Church replied. "Hi. I'm Church. I'm a... Simulation Trooper."

"You're more than that, Church." Wash said.

"South said something like that before. What does that mean?" Church asked.

Del sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Church," Del said, "we need you to listen very carefully."

"Listen to what?" Church asked again.

"Delta was the Logic." Wash said. "He was able to figure out things before anyone else. It's why he left a message for you in a way that he knew only you could find. And in a way, that let me and South see you getting it."

"What are you saying?" Church asked.

"He's saying we know what you are." Del replied. "Even if you don't."

"We know why you can seemingly live without a body." Wash added.

"What?" Church breathed.

"It's why they stuck you insole useless backwater canyon no one ever goes." Wash continued. "Then why they transferred every person in your outpost to a different base than you. It's why you always agreed with everything Delta said. Why you didn't feel anything when Omega got inside your head. Why you can jump from person to person the way it can."

"Church," Del sighed. "There's no such thing as ghosts. You're one of them. You're an AI. You... are The Alpha."
A/N: Hey guys. Sorry this chapter didn't come yesterday. I finished watching Volume 7 of RWBY. Also, that "You are The Alpha" line always gives me chills. Sorry this chapter was shorter. Til the next one, everybody!

[Discontinued] Red vs Blue: Agent Delaware: ReconstructionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora