Chapter V- New Problems

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Dear Director, we can all understand that a shift from autonomy to oversight can be a difficult adjustment for anyone, but especially someone of your standing. In that spirit, we have attempted to accommodate your brief explanations to our serious inquiries. Nonetheless, I feel compelled to inform you that even our trust has its limits.

Wash and the Blues made there way to Outpost 17-B, or Valhalla, as it was called. Wash told Del, Church and Caboose to stay in one of the bases while he tried convincing one of the Recovery soldiers to let him through the blockade of soldiers and artillery guarding Tex's crash site.

It was not working.

"Sorry, sir," a Recovery soldier in grey ODST armor said, "those are my orders. No one approaches the crash site. You can't come in. Sorry."

"I need to see that ship." Wash insisted. "Check my clearance if you need to."

"I know, sir." The soldier replied. "But, it won't matter. They said I can't let anybody in. Anybody."

"I have orders from Command, Private." Wash shot.

"So do I." The soldier countered. "These came from The Director himself. Look, sir, I'd like to help you, I really would, but this investigation thing... apparently they started talking to people in the Recover Force. Now everything's getting locked down. You get Command to call me and tell me different, I can let you in. Until then, there's nothing I can do. You can use Red Base in you want to make some calls. That facility has already been swept.

"Fine." Wash said in an angry huff. "I understand."

Wash back to the place Del, Church and Caboose were hiding in.

"We have a problem." Wash stated.

"I hope it isn't a math problem." Caboose replied.

"They've got the crash site locked down." Wash reported.

"Perfect." Del grumbled.

"They said we could use this base if we want."

"Wow." Church muttered sarcastically. "The empty concrete base? Is it our birthday?"

"I want cake." Caboose chimed in.

"Can we find somewhere nicer to hang out? Maybe there's like a cool nightclub that you can't get into either. That would be awesome."

"Nightclubs are a no go for me." Del shuddered. "The last time I went to a nightclub, there was a massive shootout."

"Wha... really?" Church stammered, suddenly shocked. "Do you remember the name of the club?"

"Nah." Del said, shaking his head. "But, we're getting off topic. What do you want us to do, Wash?"

"You three stay here." Wash said. "I'll draw off the guards. When I give you the signal, use that grav lift."

Wash pointed out a platform with energy shooting out of it.

"The what?" Church asked looking at the grav lift. "How do we use it?"

"Just step on it." Del answered. "It'll do the rest."

"Meet me at the ship." Wash said.

"Okay." Church said, turning to face Wash. "What's the... signal."

As he turned around, he saw that Wash had seemingly vanished.

"Batman much, David?" Del laughed.

"Goddammit, I hate when they do that." Church grumbled.

"When they do wha... hey!" Caboose exclaimed. Where is Agent Washington?

Del visor palmed as the Blues got into position, waiting for Wash to make his move.

"What do you think he'll do for a distraction?" Caboose asked.

"Knowing Wash he'll probably make a noise or throw a rock..." Del said before a series of explosion were seen in the distance as sirens began to wail.

"Or that." Del muttered.

"Ok," Wash said over the comms, "come on out, but come quietly."

"Ok, let's go." Del said as he inches toward the grav lift.

"Um, yes, I don't want to." Caboose said. "Uh, you see, I am scared of the thing that I don't know what it is."

"Oh, don't be a baby." Church scoffed. "How bad could it BEEEEEEEE!!!!!"

As Church finished his sentence, he stepped on the grav lift, which sent him flying through the air, occasionally hitting the ground until he crashed into a Warthog.

"Thatwasfuckingbullshit!!" Church hissed quickly.

"Did you say something?" A Recovery soldier asked.

"What?" The soldier next to him muttered.

Del and Caboose stepped onto the grav lift and skidded to a halt as Church wipes dirt off his armor.

"Wash said quietly." Del whispered. "What part of quietly don't you understand?"

"What part?!" Church cried. "How about the part where I got thrown eighty feet in the fucking air BY THE GODDAMN THROWING THING!!!"

Del smacked Church on the back of the head in order to shut him up as Wash came out of his cover.
A/N: Sorry this chapter was shorter. I'm really tired, and I think it's a good stopping point anyhow. Good night and til the next one, everybody!

[Discontinued] Red vs Blue: Agent Delaware: ReconstructionWhere stories live. Discover now