Chapter X- Fully Charged

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Del's heart was racing. Everything was frozen still. Del was about to fight one of his closest friends in order to aid an organization that he didn't care about anymore.

"Look," Church whispered, "there's Wash."

The group spotted Wash on a vantage point on the opposite side of them.

"I hope he gives us some kind of..." Church started before Wash threw a plasma grenade at The Meta.

"NOW!!" Wash cried as he leapt from his vantage point.

"Signal." Church finished with a defeated sigh.

"Move up!" Del yelled as he laid down covering fire from his vantage point.

The Meta noticed Del and started firing at him. Thankfully, Del activated his Hardlight Shield. In the midst of Del and The Meta's fight, Wash started a fistfight with The Meta. In the end, The Meta won, knocking Wash to the ground. Then, The Meta was starting to retreat.

"Don't just stand there!" Wash cried. "After it!"

Church, Caboose and South ran to try and corner The Meta.

"Of I may," Delta said, "I recommend that Agent Delaware and I flank to the right to attempt to supri..."

"Just do it!" South said, cutting Delta off.

Del then stood up and sprinted to try and corner The Meta.

Outside, Wash and joined South and Church as The Meta was leaving.

"There!" Wash pointed out. "Use your rifle!"

"My rifle?" Church questioned. Church was typically known for his bad aim.

"Shoot it!" Wash cried as The Meta jumped through an enormous fan.

Church fired his sniper rifle and the round bounced off the fan blade. The bullet continued to ricochet off of several other surfaces until in hit The Meta in the foot.

"I got it!" Church cheered. "Yes! Did you see that?! What a shot! I'm awesome!"

"It only counts if you call it!" South said as she and Wash ran to try and capture The Meta.

"Oh, bullshit!!" Church snapped, following the Freelancers.

"Look, there." Wash said, spotting out a small puddle of blood on the sandy surface. "Come on. Quietly."

"Copy." South said in a hushed tone.

"Yeah, okay." Church said, also whispering.

Then, music started playing somewhere nearly out of earshot, but the music got gradually louder.

"Hey, you guys hear something?" South asked.

"Yeah..." Wash said. "What is that? Music?"

"What?" Church breathed. "Oh no."

A Warthog then came zooming past the three. In the Warthog were Sarge, Grif and Simmons.

"Yahahaha!! Whoooooo!!!" Grif cheered as he sped past the group.

"Crap, what are they doing here?" Church groaned.

Just then, the Warthog crashed into one of the fan blades and landed in a ditch, breaking the radio and shutting the music off.

"Who are they?" South asked cluelessly.

"They're the Reds from our canyon." Church answered. "Look, guys, I don't know how they found us, or why they're here, but we don't have anything to worry about. Seriously. Not a thing. These guys are idiots. They can't do anything right."

As Church was saying this, The Red Team's Warthog was being lifted by a fan blade, allowing Sarge to shoot them from the Warthog's turret. Luckily, the three dodged the gunfire and found cover.

"Wait a minute," Wash gasped, "where's Del? Where's Delta?"

Elsewhere, Del was trying to fight off The Meta when he received a punch to the chest, sending him tumbling backwards. As the Meta was preparing to knock him out, Del realized he had one last card to play.

"Hunter, stop!!" Del cried.

And in that moment, The Meta froze. With a tilt of his head, he have a questioning growl.

"Yeah, it's me, Hunter." Del said, staggering to his feet. "I know there's some semblance of of you in there, Maine. You don't have to do this."

The Meta lowered his fist slightly, but then punched Del square in the visor, knocking him out.

Delta appeared to see what was going on, and The Meta saw the opportunity to steal him, leaving Del unconscious on the floor.
A/N: Well then. That could have gone better. Til the next one, everybody!

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