Chapter XX- Newcomers

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The Red and Blues and Freelancers all grouped up around The Red Team's Warthog, staring at the three new soldiers that had just saved them from certain death.

"Uhm..." The Red soldier said with a laugh. "This is awkward."

"Yeah." Del replied. "Why don't we start with introductions."

"Sure." The Red soldier nodded. "The Blue one is Cale Rider, the Sangheili is Khyvo M'Vada, and I'm William Church. We're with the Office of Spartan Intelligence."

"Church?" Wash whispered.

"Well, I'm Agent Delaware," Del said, "but you can call me Del, that's Washington but we call him Wash, that over there is South, and the Sim Troopers are Sarge, Simmons, Grif, Caboose and Church."

"Huh." William replied. "Church as in Leonard Church?"

"Yep. That's me." Church said.

"Huh." William repeated.

"Let's get back on topic." Wash said. "I need suggestions. The Freelancer Command Facility is an underground complex of secured bunkers and fortified chambers."

"Let's put our heads together and see if we can figure out a way to get in there." South said.

"I have an idea." Grif said, raising his hand.

"And 'let's not do it' isn't an acceptable plan." South interrupted.

"Well," Grif countered, "you probably should have said that before you asked for suggestions."

Cale stepped to Del with a laugh.

"Are you guys always like this?" Cale asked.

"You get used to it." Del chuckled.

"Next idea." Wash said.

"Why don't we call Command," Simmons offered, "and ask them what the proper procedure is for invading their headquarters?"

"Next." South said.

"How about we build a makeshift nuclear device," Sarge suggested, "and blow the entire place to kingdom..."

"No." Wash interrupted. "We have to get in there."

"What if we just walked in?" Khyvo asked. "Captain Church could use his OSI clearance to get us in."

"A good theory," Wash admitted, "but they'll just deny us entry anyway. Trust me."

"We need a plan that will get us inside the facility." South said.

"Why?" Simmons asked.

"Because we need to unlock the Alpha." Wash answered.

"The what?" Simmons questioned.

"The main AI from Project: Freelancer." Del answered. "All the AI's we've been handling over the past year, The Alpha is the one they were all copied from."

"You can't copy an AI." Simmons breathed.

"The main one?" Grif echoed. "Fuck that! Those things have caused all of our problems! Why would we go looking for the main boss one?"

"That's a good question." Church said. "Guys? You wanna answer that?"

Wash sighed and South lowered her head.

"You'll understand everything soon enough." Wash said cryptically.

"We're not going." Simmons said.

"What?" Del cried.

"You have to go!" Church added.

Grif and Simmons shared a laugh at Church's statement.

"Not really." Simmons said.

"We can't infiltrate Headquarters by ourselves. We need everyone." South replied.

"You guys are coming." Wash said. "That's an order."

"An order?" Grif laughed. "You're not our Commanding Officer! We don't even know what rank you are!"

"We're Freelancers!!" South cried.

"Not a rank, dudette." Grif laughed.

"The other Freelancers never gave us orders." Simmons said. "They just offered to trade favors. Well, not Del."

"Favors are just another thing people can hold over your head." Del said, folding his arms. "That's why I never offer to trade them."

"We have a lot in common, Agent Delaware." William said.

"I don't doubt that, Captain." Del replied with a laugh.

"Alright." South said. "Let's bargain. What do you want?"

The Reds congregated and whispered inaudibly about what they wanted in return for helping the Freelancers and The Blues.

"Alright." Sarge called. "We talked about it, and we figured out what we want."

"Perfect." Del said, clasping his hands. "What is it?"

"We want you to demote Grif." Sarge answered.

"Done." Wash said.

"What?!" Grif cried.

"Another wasted opportunity." Simmons sighed.

Del visor palmed at Sarge's waste of an offer.

"Congratulations." Wash said. "You are not Private Grif again."

"Got anything lower?" Sarge asked.

"Private... Junior Grif?" Wash offered.

"I was thinking something with an insulting adjective or maybe a demeaning adverb..."

"How about," South chimed in, "Minor Junior Private Grif Negative First Class?"

"Hehe." Sarge replied. "Missy, I like the way you think."

"You relive you just doomed us to certain death just so you could insult me, right?" Grif scoffed.

"Hey," Sarge countered, "if we do die, at least we'll go out on a high note."

"Well, everybody by you." South laughed.

"We still need to figure out how we're all getting there." William said. "I mean, my team has our ride, but you guys need to find a way you can all get inside Command."

"Everybody?" Caboose called out.

Everyone turned to face Caboose.

"I have an idea." Caboose said.

"Wash and I really shouldn't even bother asking, should we?" South asked.

"I dunno." Church said. "An idea? I think he's bluffing."

"No!" Caboose said. "It's a really good idea. We drive there."

"Yeah." Church said. "He was bluffing."

"Let's hear him out." Del said. "Go ahead, buddy."

"We're going to Freelancer City, right?" Caboose stated. "The place where Freelancers are from. And this is a Freelancer car! If they think we are Freelancers, because we are in their car, they will just let us right in!"

"But you Simulation Troopers do not look like Freelancers, or Recovery Agents, or OSI Soldiers." Khyvo said.

"They can't see inside of a tank." Caboose answered.

Del, Church and Wash all looked to each other in surprise. This plan just might work.
A/N: Hey guys! My apologies for not writing. I'm currently binging RWBY and I have to say, this is an awesome show. Til the next one, everybody!

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