Chapter XXVIII- Head to Head

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To the Director of Project: Freelancer, I write to inform you that by the authority of this Subcommittee, officers have been dispatched to place you under arrest, and we except your full cooperation. Congratulations are in order, I suppose. When they write the new Morality Protocols for dealing with AI, I'm certain they will name entire sections of the doctrine after you. It seems you will earn your place in history after all, dear Director.

To say that The Meta was fending off the Recovery Agents was a massive understatement. The soldiers didn't stand a chance against the white and brown armored brute.

"Alright," Wash said, "stick to the plan. Just run. Get Epsilon out of here. Turn it over to the authorities the first chance you get."

"Sarge, shouldn't we help him?" Simmons asked. "He won't stand a chance against that thing."

"We have our orders, Private." William replied on behalf of Sarge. "Mission comes first. We have to go."

"Finally!" Grif said. "An order I wanna follow; run away and live."

In response to Grif's statement, William smacked Grif over the back of the head.

"I agree with Ride Along." Sarge said. "If Agent Wash wants to face him alone, that's his business."

"Yeah," Cale chimed in, "but he doesn't want to face him alone. It's just that SOME people won't help him."

The last part of Cale's sentence was directed at Church, who was sitting in the passenger seat of Caboose's Jeep.

"That ain't our business either, Cale." William.

"Alright." Del said. "So when the E.M.P. goes off..."

"You mean the Emp?" Caboose interjected.

"Stop it." Del answered. "When it goes off, it'll destroy Epsilon if we don't get out of range."

"And me." Echo said, appearing in front of Del and raising his hand. "I'm here too."

"Right." Del said. "Sorry, Ec."

Before he started his Mongoose, Del stood up and hugged Wash.

"Stay alive, you hear me?" Del said. "That's an order."

"You got it, boss. Wash laughed.

Del walked away and saw Wash walk over to South.

"This isn't fair." South whispered, lowering her head.

"Hey," Wash said, interlocking his fingers with hers, "nothing about what happened to us has been fair. But I need you to be strong. If not for me, then for these guys. Okay?"

South nodded before looking at Wash.

"David," South said, "I..."

"You don't need to apologize for anything." Wash replied.

Wash sighed deeply, let go of South and stood in front of everybody's vehicles.

"Take care of yourselves, guys." Wash said before looking to Church. "I know that's one thing you're good at."

An alarm began to sound, then the doors of the garage opened.

"Let's move, people." Del said, revving his Mongoose.

"Protect the Blue's vehicle at any cost." Wash said.

"Got it." William replied with a nod.

"Protect the Blues. Right, yeah." Sarge grumbled. "We'll get right on that shit."

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