Chapter XXII- Archived History

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In the Sever Room, The Reds, Omegas, South and Caboose had gotten comfortable. Wash, Church and Del could take a while.

"That patrol was 17 seconds late." Simmons said, pointing to a pair of Recovery Agents lazily waking to their post. "Who's running this place? Sloppy."

"I'm bored outta my gourd!" Sarge exclaimed.

"You call this being bored?" Cale laughed. "Come back to me when you've spent two weeks in battle sleeping in a swamp and then we'll talk."

"Indeed." Khyvo agreed. "That battle was extremely wearisome."

"I actually enjoyed the peace and quiet." William said.

"I hate inaction." South grumbled.

"Boredom I can deal with." Grif chimed in. "I have years of practice."

"Yes!" Caboose celebrated. "Grif talked! I won. I won the 'Who Can Be The Quietest' game again."

"Yeah, good job." Grif said sarcastically. "That's ten in a row for you, Caboose. Hey, y'know what? We should play again. Best 11 out of 21."

"Yes!" Caboose replied. "You're all going down!"

William chuckled at Caboose's naïve attitude and sat next to South, who, for a soldier who had action packed missions day in and day out, was taking to her current role admirably.

"So," William said, "what's the deal with you and that Washington guy?

"What?" South said, immediately becoming flustered.

"I saw how you looked at him when he left." William said.

"He used to be my partner." South said. "I went rogue and shot him in the back. I was scared. I didn't want to do it, but..."

William sighed and took his helmet off, revealing his short cut black hair and stubble beard, and a scar above his right eye.

"Well," William said, "call it a soldier's intuition or whatever you want, but something tells me he has those same feelings for you."

"Well, aren't you just a hopeless romantic?" South laughed.

"Now you sound like my sister." William responded.
Freelancer AI Storage Room

Wash, Del and Church were looking through the vast halls of the AI Storage facility.

"Show Church what we can here for." Del said. "I'll find you guys."

"Why?" Wash asked as Del began walking to another room.

"There's something I need to look into." Del answered cryptically.

Del found himself in a room with storage units. He then looked at one of several computer terminals and then heard a voice.

"Hello." The voice said. "And welcome to the Project: Freelancer Artificial Intelligence Storage Facility. I regret to inform you that this room is strictly prohibited to any personnel that are not in the Recovery Agency database. You have 20 seconds to leave or you will be terminated. Have a wonderful day!"

Del paused at hearing the voice. The voice was feminine and oddly cheerful. He recognized that voice.

"FILSS?" Del breathed. "Is that you?"

"Yes." FILSS confirmed. "I am the Freelancer Integrated Logistics and Security System, also known as FILSS. You know have 10 seconds. Have a wonderful day!"

"FILSS," Del went on, "this is Agent Delaware from Project: Freelancer. Acknowledge and override last directive."

"I am sorry." FILSS said. "That name is in my database, but Agent Delaware died over two years ago."

"Can't you use facial recognition or something to confirm my identity?" Del said.

"Affirmative." FILSS confirmed. "Simply remove your helmet."

Del did as he was told and looked at the screen and after a few seconds, he heard a beep and a red rectangle with the words "IDENTITY CONFIRMED" in the center.

"Hello, Agent Delaware." FILSS greeted. "Security counter measures offline."

"FILSS," Del said, "I came here to investigate something. Delta told me there was an anomaly in my AI Implants. Can you confirm that?"

"Yes." FILSS confirmed. "There is a string of outdated coding in your neural implants. If you come to this Implantation Scanner, I can see what the problem is."

Del nodded and made his way to what looked like an operating table and two mechanical tentacles with needles at the end of them dangling above.

"This seems oddly placed."  Del muttered.

With FILSS as his guide, he implanted the scanner tentacles in the base of his neck, and with a wince of pain, the machines did their job.

Then, a figure appeared in front of Del. It glitches in and out of existence for a few seconds, but then it fully materialized.

"Echo?" Del breathed

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"Echo?" Del breathed.

His AI was alive.
A/N: Echo's back!!! Also, set sail the ship of Wash and South. I'll let you guys come up with a ship name. Til the next one, everybody!

[Discontinued] Red vs Blue: Agent Delaware: ReconstructionWhere stories live. Discover now