Chapter IX- Day At The Beach

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Dear Chairman, I understand your concern that increased activity would bring increased risk. However, our failsafes are simple but foolproof. A dead or dying agent's beacon automatically notifies our Recovery Team, and we will be on the scene immediately to secure all the military's property.

Del, South, Wash Church and Caboose noticed their missing Mongoose half buried at a ninety degree angle in the ground.

"Well, there's the cycle." South said.

"The Meta must be here." Wash said.

"Yeah," Church scoffed, "because no one else in the military would have a standard issue motorcycle just like that."

"Also, the piles of dead bodies might have been a clue." Caboose said, pointing to the lifeless blue soldiers splayed around the beach.

"Let's just say keep our heads down and our eyes open." Del said.

The group walked past the bodies and the Mongoose before they were stopped by Wash.

"I'm going to advance along that wall." Wash said. "You guys take Delta and move up along the other side.

"Okay." Church replied.

"Don't use the radio unless it's absolutely necessary." Wash went on.

"Okay." Church replied.

"And don't make a move until I tell you."


"And no screw ups this time."

"Okay!!! Are we gonna sit here in the beach all day or are we gonna go get this thing?"

"We only have one chance at this before it gets back to full power." Wash said. "I can't take any chances that you guys are gonna botch this."

Del cleared his throat and Wash looked at him and scoffed.

"That wasn't directed at you and you know it." Wash said.

Wash was at the top of the stair when Delta appeared.

"Agent Washington," Delta said, "perhaps it would be best if I assisted you in battle rather then helping Agent Delaware."

"No." Wash replied.

"Statistically speaking, it would make more sense for me to aid you in..." Delta started.

"I said no." Wash said. "Now get going."

Church, South, Caboose and Del all made their way into an empty hallway.

"Agent Delaware, with your consent, I will go offline for a time." Delta said.

"What? Why?" Del asked.

"I detected an anomaly in your neural implants. I wish to investigate it further."

"Anomaly?" Del echoed. "Uh, sure. Knock yourself out."

Del disappeared and the group went on.

"Hey, Del? Can I ask you a couple questions about the  Freelancer program?" Church asked.

"Sure." Del said. "I'll answer what I'm capable of answering."

"On the way here, Delta mentioned something called The Alpha, but Wash shut the topic down." Church said. "Why? What is it that Wash doesn't want Delta to tell us about?"

Del winced internally. He knew someone would ask about The Alpha eventually. On the way to the facility, Delta mentioned The Alpha, but Wash made certain that it wasn't talked about.

"Wash is probably uncomfortable talking about Freelancer in that fashion." Del said.

"Or any, for that matter." South added. "Wash was one of the failures in the project's implantation process."

"One of the failures?" Church breathed. "How many were there?"

"More than there should have been." Del said sadly.

Del had lost more than a few fellow Agents to faulty AI implantations. The side affects of faulty implants led to insanity and, in most cases, death.

"The Director felt that time was running out." Del continued. "As a result, the pace of AI experiments were escalated."

"The Director even chalked me up as another one of these 'failures'." South said.

"Why?" Church asked. "You didn't even get an AI."

"I know. South said. But, to Del's surprise, she held no venom or bitterness in her voice. She must have gotten over it. "Another one of The Director's experiments was me and my brother, Noah. What would happen if one agent got an AI and the other didn't."

"I guess we all found out how well that worked out." Church muttered. "I still can't believe you killed your own brother."

"It was a split second decision." South snapped, clenching a fist. "I'm not proud of it."

"Anyway, it's not like the experiment The Director made of you and North was uncommon, right?" Del said, wanting to change the subject for South's sake.

"Yeah." South scoffed. "Agent Carolina got two AI Units at one point."

"Two of them?" Church asked. "That would drive me nuts."

"Yeah." South replied. "She only functioned for a short time with the AI Units, and not very well at that. Having three minds proved to be too much for her to handle."

"But if Maine has more than one AI, he should be a vegetable at the very least by now." Del said. "Wouldn't be be having problem too, like Carolina did?"

"Maybe he is. Maybe running so much equipment drains to much energy and that's why we're here." South said. "And that could only be a small indication of what's going on inside his helmet."

"Powerful and certifiable." Del muttered darkly. "That's just fan-fucking-tasitic."

"Warning." Delta said, flashing into existence. "Enemy target detected."

"I see him." Del said, looking through the Sentinel Scope of his DMR. "That's Maine."

"Let's do this." South said, kneeling next to Del.

This battle was going to be a tough one.
A/N: LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't resist. Good night and til the next one everybody!

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