Chapter XVIII- Ride Along

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Dear Director, our laws are not designed to outline every possible infraction that may take place, however, the spirit of the law is clear; blatant disregard for the safety and well-being of our citizens in any form, will always be a punishable offense, regardless of how well, or by whom that offense has been justified.

The Reds and Blues and Freelancers were back in Valhalla, where Sarge and The Reds were in a Warthog being pursued by three Recovery Agents in another Warthog. Del, Wash, South, Church and Caboose were all standing on a ridge watching the chaos ensue.

"I knew this plan wouldn't work!" Wash groaned.

"We all knew this plan wouldn't work!" Church said. "None of our plans ever work."

"That's why we carry guns." Caboose added.

"We can get a car! No problem." Wash said, imitating Sarge. "We're better with vehicles than the Blues. Let us handle this. Why did I listen to them?"

"Church told you not to." Del said.

"Yeah, well we blocked out his voice three bases ago." South laughed.

"Well, that's not very..." Caboose started.

"And we never listened to you." South interrupted.

Del visor palmed as an explosion rang out. The Reds thought they had lost their pursuers, when in reality, they had simply taken an alternate route in order to continue chasing the Simulation Troopers.

"Aw man." Caboose gushed. "That Jeep has a really big gun."

"Don't get any ideas." Church said.

"No way, no how." Del added.

"Should we go and save those guys?" South asked.

"Yeah." Wash sighed. "Let's go. I'm really starting to hate this part of the job."

"Well," Caboose offered, "at least you're getting a lot of practice at it."

"Don't patronize us." South groaned.

"Y'know," Church said, "if we let one of two of 'em die, we could probably all squeeze into one car. Just sayin'. You should think about it."

"Oh, and if enough of us die," Caboose said, "we could fit on a motorcycle!"

South and Wash ran down the ridge to save The Reds from the Recovery Agents.

Church took it as the perfect opportunity to do what he wanted to do for a while now.

"Alright, they're gone." Church said. "Caboose, Del, you guys stay here, I'll be right back."

"Wait, what?" Del replied. "Church, you don't even know if she'll be..."

"Please, Del." Church interrupted. "I need to know."

"Alright." Del said, hesitation dripping from his words.

"You're leaving?" Caboose asked.

"Yeah." Church said as he entered his ghost form. "For some reason, he doesn't want me to see Tex's body. I'm gonna go try and find her."

"Uhm... don- don't leave us with your body." Caboose muttered. "It stares at me and I don't like it."

"You'll be fine." Church said as he walked away.

When Church left, Del and Caboose looked coward to see South and Wash's progress when Church's frozen body started making an odd humming noise. Del's response was to punch the body in the chest, abruptly silencing the noise.

A few minutes went by and Church hadn't come back.

"Damn it, Church, hurry up." Del grumbled.

Then, Wash and South came over the comms.

"Caboose, Del, what is Church doing?" Wash asked.

Caboose looked to Del nervously.

"Don't look at me." Del said, putting his hands up defensively, the swiftly added "better say something."

"Oh, uhm..." Caboose said, answering Wash, "doing? Uh, why, nothing, Agent Washington. He's just standing next to us watching you get killed by the giant spaceship."

"Oh, really?" South scoffed. "Would you kindly put him on, then?"

"Oh, I don't think so." Caboose replied. "We're playing a game, uh, called 'Who Can Hold Still The Longest'. It's a fun game we..."

Just then, a missile from the attack chopper hunting The Reds, Wash and South hit the ground, causing Church's body to rock and fall backward.

"We're gonna have to call you back." Del said.
A/N: Well, that's one way to get caught in the act. Til the next one, everybody!

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