Chapter IV- Old Friends

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Dear Chairman, rest assured we have the situation under control. While The Meta is proving to be an elusive enemy, our Recovery Agent is already closing in on it. I expect this incident will reach a conclusion soon and I will be able to return to my research. Hopefully, without further interruption.

Del, Wash and Caboose all walked towards an outpost with a large gate in front of it. They were looking to find another member of Blue Team, Leonard Church.

"And you're sure this is where we can find this guy?" Wash asked.

"I think so." Caboose said. "We all find out our new orders at the same time. He tried to hide his from me so I would not know where he was."

"Really?" Wash replied. "I can't imagine why."

"I said it was like a game of hide and seek." Caboose said. "And he said that was right. He was going to hide from me, and the only way we could win is if he dies without ever seeing me again."

Wash looked at Del, who merely shrugged in response.

"And he knows about Freelancer as well?" Wash asked.

"Oh, yeah." Del answered. "He knows all about Freelancer and the AI's. Actually, he dated Tex."

"Agent Texas?" Wash asked. "Um... how could a person..."

Wash's thoughts were interrupted by a sniper shot.

"Fuck!" A voice hissed.

"Sniper!" Wash cried as he found cover. "Get down."

Del activated his Hardlight Shield in order to defend himself and Caboose.

"Huh?" Caboose wondered aloud.

"Okay!" The voice called out. "That was your one warning shot! The next one's going right between your eyes!"

"Del! Private Caboose! Get down!" Wash insisted.

"Wait a minute..." Caboose whispered.

"Alright! I warned you!" The voice said. "Sayonara, biatch!"

Another sniper shot fired at Del and Caboose. It missed.

"Aw, come on!" The voice whined. "What the fuck?!"

"Guys!" Wash cried.

"I know that voice!" Caboose exclaimed. "Church! Church, it's me! Your all time best friend!"

"Caboose?" Church replied. "Caboose, is that you?"

"Yes!  Church, it's me!" Caboose exclaimed happily. Meanwhile, Church was still firing at them.

"I have missed you so much! It has been so long! Did you miss me?"

"Fuck!" Church cried angrily as he reloaded his Sniper Rifle. "I missed him!"

"I knew you did!" Caboose cheered.

"Go! Away!" Church demanded.

"This is your friend?" Wash asked.

"Yeah." Caboose replied.

"And he's shooting at you?"

"You mean trying to shoot at us." Del laughed, deactivating his shield. "He May still be bitter because Caboose killed him. I still haven't wrapped my head around that myself yet."

"Wait, what?" Was asked. "Killed him?"

"Del?" Church asked, walking to the edge of the wall before Wash could further question what he was just told. His Cobalt Mark VI armor shined slightly in the sunlight. "What are you guys doing here?"

[Discontinued] Red vs Blue: Agent Delaware: ReconstructionWhere stories live. Discover now