Chapter XIV- Meet The Meta

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Dear Director, do your 'creative solutions' include the circumvention of the safety protocols that every member of the military must follow? If they do not, then I fail to see how an enemy has managed to secure not one, but several of your experiment AIs. The protocol is not a 'guideline' dear Director; it is doctrine. And no one is above its rule.

The Meta was hurling numerous objects at Grif, who was running away frantically trying to escape the Meta.

"OH GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD!!!" Grif rambled in a panicked tone. He ran out of cover and space to run and turned to see a Warthog tumbling toward him.

Grif our both hands in front of him in an attempt to shield himself from his impending death, when the vehicle came to a halt between two trees.

"Oh my god!" Church said, bursting out laughing. "That guy got fucked up!"

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!" Grif cried, failing his arms exaggeratedly.

"Aw, he lived?" Church whined. "That's bullshit."

South smacked Church over the back of the head and Wash exhaled deeply.

"Grif!" Sarge said. "If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times! You've gotta pay attention in battle! You can't let yourself get distracted by–– oh, crap, flying Jeep!"

The Meta threw a Jeep at the cover Sarge and Simmons were ducking behind.

"Run!!!" Simmons exclaimed.

Sarge and Simmons ran from their cover to somewhere out of sight.

"Well," South said, "I guess it's safe to say they're not working together."

"Now that he's powered up, he's just killing everything. And we're next!" Wash said.

Then, Sarge and Simmons ran into the cover that Wash, South and The Blues were using.

"Move it or lose it!" Sarge urged.

"Yeah, c'mon! Scooch! Scooch!" Simmons added.

"Hey!" South exclaimed. "This is our cover!"

"What is that thing??" Simmons questioned.

"You guys remember Tex?" Church responded.

"Ah," Caboose said, "scary lady."

"Yeah, the girl who kicked our asses all the time?" Simmons recalled.

"Yeah." Church said. "Well, this thing is like... eight of her."

"It must be a full power now!" Wash said. "Church, Caboose, you and the Reds keep it busy. South, you and I are going to help Del."

Wash and South ran to find an alternate route to help Del and Simmons looked back to Church in shock.

"Did he say 'keep it busy'?!" Simmons echoed.

"Yeah." Church drew out.

"How the hell do we do that?!" Simmons exclaimed.

"Looks like Grif is doing a pretty good job already." Sarge said.

Another vehicle was hurled at Grif, followed by another complaint from the Orange clad soldier.

Above the battle, Wash and South had just gotten to Del.

"Del? Del, are you okay?" Wash hissed.

"Delta, are you here?" South asked.

No answer.

"Dammit!" Wash cursed.

"Church, we have Del." South said, as Wash planted a healing unit. "Delta's gone. Del's hurt, but Wash is keeping him alive with a healing unit. How are you doing with The Meta?"

"Eeeeeeeiiiii!!!" Church shrieked. "We're dying!"

"Oh, great." Wash said bitterly.

The Meta was continuing to hurl objects at the Reds and Blues, including Red Team's Warthog.

"Hey!" Sarge called. "Come on! We've still got payments left on that thing! You better not scratch the paint job!"

As The Meta was losing his Brute Shot, a voice caught his attention.

"Hey, asshole!" The voice called.

The Meta looked behind him to see South holding a turret.

"Remember me?" Sought said darkly.

South started to fire, then time began to stop.

The Meta used his Temporal Distortion Unit to escape the scene.

When everything resumed, The Meta was gone.

"It's gone!" South roared, throwing the turret to the ground.

"Damn it!" Wash cursed. "You idiots! We almost had it!"

"Almost had it?" Simmons exclaimed. "We never even hurt it!"

"He means before you got here!" Church cried. "We has it crippled, then you guys showed up and fucked everything up!!"

"Oh, yeah." Sarge scoffed. "You guys looked like you had everything under control before we got here."

"I didn't see you found anything heroic!" South snarled.

"It. Threw. Our. Car. At. Us!!" Simmons yelled.

"I'm fine, by the way!" Grif said. "Just in case anyone was wondering."

South then punched Grif square in the visor, sending his to the floor.

"Well!" Wash said. "The three of you are staying with us now. South and I can't possibly hope to find The Meta in this state with just Church, Caboose and..."

"DEL!!!" Wash, South and Church cried in unison.

The Blues and the Freelancers ran to Del, followed by The Reds.
A/N: I'm sorry for delaying this chapter. Time got away from me yesterday. Til the next one, everybody!

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