Chapter XXIV- Truth Comes To Light

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Dear Director, it is now clear that your agency and its primary program, Project: Freelancer, have abused the trust and freedoms that the Oversight Subcommittee has provided you. Your abuse of the Alpha AI will now become the subject of a criminal investigation. I am sorry, Director, but you have seen the end of my patience.

Church, Del and Wash stood in silence. Trying to break the awkward silence, Del tried speaking up, but Church beat him to the punch.

"You're a fucking idiot." Church said.

"Well, alright then." Del sighed.

"That's not the reaction I expected." Wash said.

"You think I'm a computer program." Church scoffed.

"Why is that hard to believe?" Del asked.

"Uh, how 'bout 'cause I'm a person?" Church countered. "That I have been my whole life? That I have memories from when I'm a kid? And I don't remember being a calculator, dude."

"First of all, rude." Echo said. "Second of all, AI Constructs are programs based off of the mind of an actual human. You are bound to have residual memories. They just aren't your memories."

Church scoffed at the AI, still incredulous to what he was being told.

"Oh, you're so full o' shit!" Church said.

"And after what you've been through," Del explained, "it's not hard to imagine you wouldn't..."

"Give me a break, dude!" Church interrupted.

"Okay, fine." Wash said. "I guess you bring a spirit makes more sense."

"Fuck yeah, it does!" Church laughed. "It's way less geeky, asshole!"

"A phantom." Echo said, visor palming.

"Yeah." Church replied. "That's right."

"A ghost." Del sighed.

"Boo, motherfucker!"

Command Server Room

The Reds, Omegas and South were still standing around. Sarge has come up with the most ludicrous and unnecessary idea ever; deleting the Blue Team from the Simulation Trooper database.

"This is a bad idea." William said half heartedly. He had tried to convince the Reds not to do anything for a good fifteen minutes, to no avail.

"Shut it, ride along." Sarge said. "Simmons, how's your progress?"

"Good. I'm almost in." Simmons replied. "This blinking light is really distracting me, though."

Grif came down from a walkway and found the the three.

"Hey, guys." Grif said. "South, Cale and the alien dude are standing guard. I told Caboose to watch out the window in the next room. That should give us some relief."

"Good." Sarge said.

Simmons tried to keep at his work, but the blinking light constantly caught his attention.

"Simmons," William groaned, "if that light is bothering you so much, just turn it off."

"Hey," Simmons said, "I got a great idea, how 'bout if someone else does something for once! I'm workin' here!"

"I'll do it." Grif said with a reluctant groan.

When Grif walked to the computer and pushed the button that the blinking light was emanating from. Static crackled for a hot second and then a voice spoke.

"Hello!" The voice called out. "Come in, Command! Do you read, Command? Why isn't anyone answering!?"

"What should I say?" Grif whispered.

"Who cares? Just get rid of him!" William hissed.

"Uhm, hello." Grif said in a deep voice. "This is Command. Go ahead."

"FINALLY!!!" The voice exclaimed. "Hey! This is a distress call! We need help down here ASAP! Mayday, and all that shit!"

"Oh, yeah." Grif said. "Uh, sorry, dude. There's no one here to take your call right now."

"WHAT?!?!" The voice cried.

"Can I take a message?" Grif continued.

"Dude, that's bullshit. You guys suck!" The voice said.

"Is that the message?" Grif asked.

"No, it's not the message, asshole!" The voice said. "Tell them we found what we're looking for and it's under the sand! Send. Help. Now!"

"What the hell is he talking about?" Simmons whispered.

"Who the fuck knows?" Grif replied.

"Get. Off. The. Comm." William hissed.

Grif looked back to the computer to finish the conversation as soon as possible.

"Under... sand." Grif said. "Okay. I got it. As soon as they get back I'll be sure to grab them and, uh, slip it to 'em."

"Yeah," The voice laughed. "Slip it to 'em. Bow chicka bow wow."

Grif pauses a moment after hearing the last part of the voice's response.

"What'd you say?" Grif asked.

An explosion rang out and that had the voice's full attention.

"Oh, shit! Gotta go!" The voice said.

With two more seconds of crackling static, the call ended.

"Was that who I think it was?" Grif breathed.
A/N: 4 day break. I don't know what happened. We celebrated my brother's birthday recently and I had online orientation, so I couldn't update my story. Sorry about that. Til the next one, everybody!

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