Chapter XII- Reds Resurfaced

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Dear Chairman, our records in this matter are impeccable and I will refer you to them. It is true we were granted the use of only one A.I. program, yet, with special permission to conduct our experiments. That is all we were allowed to do, and that is all we have done. Of course, I am sure you will agree that the core mission of any scientific endeavor is to find creative solutions to unexpected problems.

The Reds were firing at Church, Wash and South, who had taken cover inside a building.

"Where the hell did these guys come from?" South cried.

"I have no clue!!" Church replied just as loudly.

Wash stopped shooting at the Reds and looked at Church.

"Do you think they're working with The Meta?" Wash asked.

"Working with them?" Church echoed with a laugh. "These guys don't do much working of any kind so no."

"Look!" Caboose called, pointing to a catwalk overhead. "There's Del!"

Del was seen lying on the ground, unconscious.

"Is he dead?" Church asked.

Wash had to go into cover to dodge a grenade explosion before he stood up again.

"Hold on. Let me pull up my biocomm." Wash stated. "Check his pulse."

"Uh, you can monitor our vitals?" Church asked.

"We can check the entire squad during combat." South explained. "Keeps us up to date. Doesn't work on you for some reason."

Church immediately flustered.

"Yeah," Church stammered, "uh, I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation for that."

Wash scanned Del and with a beep, the biocomm completed its scan.

"We need to get to him. My HUD says he's alive but hurt." Wash said.

Church exited cover briefly and fired his sniper rifle in Del's direction.

"How 'bout now?" Church said, re-entering cover.

"Stop that!" Sour said, smacking Church over the head. "And, you missed."

"Fuck!" Church swore. "Sun was in my eyes."

Across from their cover, Simmons was reloading his Battle Rifle.

"Simmons," Sarge ordered, "keep firing! Don't let up!

"Yes sir!" Simmons replied.

"And get the grenades out there!" Grif ordered.

"Yes sir!" Simmons repeated.

The reason Simmons was referring to Grif as 'sir' was because after the Reds and Blues got their relocation orders, Grif was promoted to Sergeant. A fact that Sarge was having a hard time coming to terms with.

"Grif," Sarge said, "stop confusing everybody. I'm callin' the shots."

"We're the same rank now!" Grif countered. "I can do whatever I want!"

"You're not qualified to lead in battle!" Sarge shot back.

"Qualified?!" Grif exclaimed. "How hard could it be? Simmons, you're doing a terrible job and you should try to win harder. I mean try harder. To win."

"That was awful." Sarge said, cringing.

"I learned it from watching you!" Grif said, crying.

"Excuse me, sir?" Simmons called.

"What?" Sarge and Grif said in unison.

"Never mind." Simmons replied with an exasperated sigh.

Grif and Sarge shared a look before Sarge looked back to his Maroon companion.

"Simmons," Sarge beckoned, "aim for his bullets! Try to deflect them in mid air! Grif, come here! Your face can be used as a shield!"

"We have to end this!" Wash said. "Del's hurt! He could be losing blood!"

"Ah, let him be." Church said dismissively. "A little brain damage might actually be good for him."

"But what about Delta, you dipshit?" South said angrily. "The Meta could've grabbed him or could be trying to..."

Just as South was going to finish her sentence, the lights, as well as all electrical piece of equipment in the outpost shut down.

"Shit." South muttered.

The lights went on again, and Wash and South shared a concerning look.

"The Meta!" Wash cried. "He must be powering up! We can't waste any more time with this nonsense."

Church sighed deeply as South and Wash tried negotiating with the Reds.
A/N: I'm sorry for shortening the episode, but it's really late and a man needs his sleep. Lol. But seriously, I am sorry. Good night and til the next one, everybody!

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