Chapter XXI- Welcome To Command

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Dear Director, please do not attempt to recast this investigation as some type of personal vendetta. Our questions, to this point, have been fairly standard. Your reactions have not. As such, we have secured all your records and logs by the authority granted by the UNSC. Now we shall see exactly what it is that you have to hide.

Caboose's plan, to everyone's surprise, went off without a hitch. They made it inside Command and were hiding out in a server room.

"Alright, we're in." Del said. "But the job's not done, so no celebrating just yet."

"Aw shit," Grif mocked, "and I was gonna be in charge of confetti."

"We're still gonna need to get into the AI Storage Facility." South said. "Security's been really tight since a group of Freelancers tried to break in here."

"You mean when they tried to steal The Alpha before?" Church asked.

"Exactly." Wash answered.

"The Freelancers tried breaking into their own facility?" William asked. "Why?"

"Yeah," Cale agreed, "that don't seem very productive in the long run."

Simmons turned to the Omegas in disbelief.

"That's what were doin' right now, you jackasses!" Simmons said.

"So?" Grif chimed in. "Just because we do something doesn't make it smart."

"Truer words." Del sighed.

The Omegas shared a silent laugh before Wash recalled their attention.

"I have the necessary clearance to get close to the Storage Hall." Wash said. "The plan is, I'll take Church as a prisoner. If I take more than one of you, it won't be believable."

"I'll come with you." Del said. "There's something I want to look into."

"Del, to Project: Freelancer, you're dead." South pointed out. "These agents won't think twice about shooting you."

"You let me worry about that." Del smirked as he activated the Active Camo Unit that Agent Maine gave him years ago, disappearing from next to Church and reappearing next to Khyvo.

"Alright." Wash said. "Then we're good to..."

"Agent Washington," Caboose interrupted, "I want you to take me instead."

"What're you talking about?" Church asked.

"I will be your prisoner." Caboose continued. "Let Church go. He doesn't have anything to do with this!"

"You'd be surprised." South mumbled.

"Caboose," Del laughed, "Church isn't actually going to be a prisoner. He's just going to pretend to be one to get past..."

"Have a good life, Church." Caboose said, ignoring Del's explanation. "Don't worry. I won't tell them anything. They won't get any information out of me! No matter how nicely they ask."

"Oh my god, just shut up." Church groaned.

The Reds and Omegas were looking at the debate when Sarge laughed.

"Sacrificing himself for his C.O." Sarge sighed. "What a good soldier. Why can't you two be more like him?"

"What, braindead?" Grif replied.

"I would sacrifice Grif for you, sir." Simmons said automatically.

"I know you would, Simmons." Sarge responded. "But it's just not the same thing."

"No, but seriously," Simmons said, "I would. Just give me the word. I'll do it right fucking now, let's go. Bring it!"

Khyvo facepalmed with an exasperated sigh.

"Why am I getting the feeling we are going to have to get used to this?" Khyvo asked.

"Eh," Cale shrugged, "because we probably are."

"Why are you taking Church?" Grif asked. "What about the rest of us?"

"They're gonna be sneaking past seven levels of heavily armed checkpoints managed by gods know how many Recovery Agents." William scoffed. "You volunteering?"

"Uh," Grif replied, "it was a hypothetical question?"

"The rest of you hole up and wait for us to finish." Wash said.

"And don't touch anything." Del added.

"How will we know when you're done?" Sarge asked.

"When you see very guard in the base running in one direction," Wash answered, "that means we're probably in trouble."

"All the guards?" Church stammered. "Wha... wait, wh-why are we taking Church again?"

"Just keep the guards off of us," Del said, "and we'll radio when we're in position. This will be our extraction point."

"Keep them off you?" Grif echoed.

"Yeah," Church replied, "distract them, dipshit."

"How?" Grif asked.

"Well," Del laughed, "this is the center that came up with all the ludicrous scenarios we've suffered over the years. Have fun. Break shit."

As the three walked toward the door, South ran to stop them."

"Wash, wait." South called out.

Wash turned and looked South in the visor.

"Just..." South said, "be safe, alright?"

"Yeah." Wash nodded. "You too."

The three turned back and walked out the door, leaving South, Caboose, The Reds and The Omegas alone in the Server Room.

As they left, Del started to chuckle.

"What?" Wash asked.

"Nothing." Del said, stifling more laughter and activating his camouflage.

As the three made their way to AI Storage, they came across a sealed door and two guards standing in front of it.

"Hold on." One of the guards said. "Don't come any closer. I need you to stay right there, sir."

"Understood." Wash said. "I need access tot he next level. The Counselor wants to interrogate another survivor from Outpost 17-B."

"What?" The guard breathed. "I thought all the Blues at Valhalla were dead. Where'd this one come from?"

"I don't have to explain anything to you, soldier." Wash said. "Stand down."

"Sorry, sir." The guard stammered. "I didn't mean anything by that..."

"It's fine." Wash interrupted. "I'll let it go. As you were."

The tow guards looked to each other and back to Wash.

"Something doesn't seem right to me." The guard said. "I'm gonna have to call this in."

"Absolutely." Wash said. "Call it in. Let me just... NOW!!"

Del decloaked and tossed his Magnum to Church as Wash shot one guard dead. Church fired at the other guard eight times.

He missed with every shot.

"Uh, hey," Church said, "can I get a little help? I'm out of bullets."

Del shot the guard in the center of the visor, killing him.

"Thanks." Church said.

"I called it." Del laughed.

"Shut up." Church replied.
A/N: Three day break. Sorry about that. I don't now what happened. Now, I need to sleep. Good night and til the next one, everybody!

[Discontinued] Red vs Blue: Agent Delaware: ReconstructionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum