Chapter VII- Going South

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Dear Chairman, The Meta is nothing more than an entity seeking to increase its power in these confusing days after the war. From my perspective, that seems to be a very common occurrence at the moment.

The soldier in white and brown armor that had been following Wash and the Blues was now attacking the female purple and green soldier, who was known as Agent South Dakota. Next to South was the AI Fragment Delta. The two of them were infuse of a Bubble Shield, which was protecting them from an onslaught of grenades coming from a Brute Shot that the white and brown soldier was wielding.

"Delta. Report." South said breathlessly.

"Your suit's energy reserves are nearly depleted." Delta reported. "The shield will..."

"How much longer?!" South demanded. She didn't need Delta to finish his sentence. She knew that the shield would deactivate if put up against any more stress.

"The Meta will breach our barrier within sixty seconds." Delta replied. "I suggest that you prepare your grenades while I divert power from your armor's non-essential systems."

"No." South answered.

"You have a better plan?" Delta inquired.

"Keep the shield up as long as you can." South said. "When it starts to falter, transfer yourself to the storage unit."

"I think I would be more useful in my current state." Delta countered.

"I'll dump my shield generator at the same time." South said, ignoring Delta's objection. "There's no way that thing can resist the both of you."

"You are... abandoning me?" Delta breathed.

"It's my best chance to get outta this." South justified.

The soldier fired another series of grenades at the Bubble Shield.

"South," Delta said, "protocol violations aside, this seems to be a very short term solution. The Meta will only grow more powerful by integrating me into..."

"Program override." South commanded. "Acknowledge last directive."

"Acknowledged." Delta obeyed. "Preparing storage unit."

"Get ready." South said.

"Shield failure in 5, 4..."

"Get ready to eject."


"Transfer to storage."


"On my mark!"



As the Bubble Shield went down, Delta transferee to the storage unit as South tried to escape the battle, then two Mongoose Quads, one carrying Church and Caboose, the other carrying Wash and Del, zoomed into the battlefield.

"There they are!" Wash said.

"New targets incoming." Delta reported.

"Don't let it get near her!" Wash said.

Church and Caboose then crashed into a tree, sending the two of them flying into cover while Del drifted his and Wash's Mongoose to a halt while the white and brown soldier shot another grenade from his Brute Shot.

"Don't let her get away!" Wash said.

"Her?" Church questioned. "Isn't she a Freelancer like you?"

"Yes!" Wash cried. "Just don't let her leave!"

Del vaulted over the barrier the Blues were using for cover.

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