four | admiral zhao

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Night had fallen and the crew on Zuko's ship were on deck with Iroh, the wise old man who'd Mari had learned to be prince Zuko's uncle, singing drinking songs while Mari and Zuko were in his chambers planning the easiest way to capture Aang.

"It's been days since we last saw him at the Abbey, he could already be in the North Pole by now." Zuko said annoyed.

"Your negativity is getting on my nerves. We're in no position to sail straight to the north pole. It's just arctic water from here to there, no stopping points, no markets, nothing. We have to be fully prepared and right now, the crew is eating what ever they can reel in on their fishing poles because nothing is left in the pantries." Mari said.

"You've been on this ship for a week and you're already acting like the commander." Zuko shouted.

"Because the actual commander has shit for brains!" Mari shouted back louder.

Zuko held back a series of curse words and instead walked right up to her, so close that their nose were almost touching. "You watch your mouth. Or I'll throw you over board and our deal is off." He growled.

"You act like this deal only helps me." She said standing her ground. "Listen ponytail, You've proven that you're incapable of capturing the Avatar on your own, given the many times you've tried and failed." She spat.

Zuko brought his hand up to his ponytail quickly, slightly offended, before continuing. "Well I'd like to see you get your criminal boyfriend out of the Fire Nation prison on your own. You would fail without me." He said.

"It's not a boy I'm trying to get out. It's my mother." She said quietly, anger no longer lacing her voice.

Zuko noticed the change in tone and softened his own. "Oh." Was all he said. "What did she do?" He asked after a minute of silence.

"Nothing. Earth bending was forbidden in my village. When the firenation soldiers raided, she said she was the only earthbender in the household. Although she wasn't, I was one too. When she was taken my father said it was my fault. He banished me from my village because of it. My mom's the only family I have left, and that's why I need to find her."

Zuko only nodded. "My mom disappeared when I was young." Was all he said as if not wanting to go into detail. 

Mari looked up at him and their eyes met, sympathy clouding both of them.

Before they could say anything else, the door swung upon revealing Iroh.

"For the last time, I'm not playing the Sungi Horn." Zuko said.

"No, it's about our plans. There is a bit of a problem." Iroh said before moving over to let a large man step inside.

Zuko's eyes went wide at the sight of him, although Mari had no clue who he was.

"I'm taking your crew" The man said.

"What?" Zuko said stepping forward in shock.

"I've recruited them for a little expedition to the North Pole." He continued.

"Uncle, Is that true?" Zuko asked.

𝙄𝙉 𝙀𝙓𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙉𝙂𝙀  ⤁ prince zukoWhere stories live. Discover now