twenty seven | metal man

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"Aang, I know swimming is fun and all but do you really think you should be exposing yourself like that?" Toph questioned. "Cover up."

"What? I'm wearing trunks!" Aang said as he continued to swim in the spring of water hidden by large walls of rock.

"I know. It's your tattoos. I'm worries about. What if someone sees you?"

"There are walls all around us. It's completely safe." Katara said

Aang smiled as he saw a tunnel, the water from the spring was flowing down. Aang grabbed onto to Momo laughing excitedly as he dived down the tunnel like a water slide.

"Toph's right he really should be covering up." Mari said a little worried.

"Lighten up Mari, we're completely alone out here." Sokka laughed.


"I'm bored." Said the girl.

"I know." Zuko replied.

"I'm hungry." She complained again.

"So what Mai?" Zuko responded again, annoyed.

"So, find me some food." She said blandly

Zuko rolled his eyes and got up from the seat the two had been sitting at. He walked around the party they had been invited to at Ember Island. Him, Azula, Ty Lee and Mai had been sent there by the Fire Lord so he could meet with generals in private back at the palace. When Zuko was younger his family would vacation to Ember Island all the time. He hadn't been back since.

Finding a table with food, he put some dumplings in a basket for Mai, and as he was walking back to the seat, he was bumped into by a party goer, causing the food to go flying. Zuko turned to him with rage.

"Hey! Watch it." He shouted. "That food was for my cranky girlfriend." He said pointing to where he left Mai.

Zuko and the boy looked over to see Mai talking to a guy leaned against a wall, the two holding a flirty conversation.

Zuko charged over shoved the guy away, taking his spot.

"What are you doing?" He shouted.

"Stop talking to my girlfriend." Zuko shouted back

"Relax, it's just a party." He said walking up to Zuko.

The prince shoved him in the chest once more, causing him to fly against a vase, shattering it.

"Zuko! What is wrong with you?" Mai got up

"What's wrong with me?" He questioned.

"Your temper's out of control. It's gotten to the point where I can't put up with it. I don't know of anyone who would be able to!" She shouted.

Zuko's mind flashed back to a certain earthbender.

"You blow up over every little thing. You're impatient and hot-headed and angry." She continued

"Well at least I feel something. As opposed to you! You have no passion for anything! You're just a big blah!"

"It's over Zuko. We're done."

𝙄𝙉 𝙀𝙓𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙉𝙂𝙀  ⤁ prince zukoWhere stories live. Discover now