Chapter 40

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Mrs. Griffith's tired face greeted Charlotte in the Foyer. She was followed closely behind by Captain Warrick.

"I heard last night that Georgiana was not well." she handed the servant her bonnet and unbuttoned her jacket. "Please, let me see her." asked.

Mrs. Griffith's waved her hand. "The doctor bled her, and iced her but nothing has worked. I fear she just burns hotter."

Charlotte shook her head. "Bled her?" she huffed. "Do not let that man try another archaic cure. Icing her is terribly dangerous too."

Pushing upstairs she went to the room she knew Georgiana would be in. Coming inside she winced at seeing Georgiana's coloring was very bad and her breathing fearfully shallow.

"Mrs. Griffith's," she said with an authoritative tone. "I have nursed my little siblings through all manner of illness. You must do as I say if we have any hope of saving her," she said.

The old governess nodded simply. Her eyes were full of tears. "I fear she is almost lost to us," she said with her chin quivering and her fingers fiddling anxiously with a handkerchief.

"I need you to draw a tepid bath. Just barely warm." She shut the window and added logs to the fire in the small place. "I also need a strong bone broth," Charlotte added in her rush to make order of the space. Georgiana would be dehydrated and it was important to get nourishing fluids into her.

Taking her friend gently in hand she lifted her up and helped to strip the damp clothes from her body and wrapped her in a dry linen while they waited for the tub to be readied.

Charlotte tucked in the sheet and wrapped her arms around her friend trying to warm her.

"She could die from the cold," she whispered and prayed that she would not.

Warrick popped his head in about twenty minutes later. "The bath is drawn, I stayed to be of service."

Charlotte made sure her friend was covered. "Yes, help me bring her to the bath."

Moving to lift the limp girl who barely moaned he carried her to the copper tub and slowly submerged her.

Charlotte managed to see Georgiana open her eyes confused and she smiled. "Hi."

Georgiana winced. "What are you doing here?" her voice weak.

"I came to help. Come now and take a few spoon fulls of this broth," she said taking the spoon to her lips.

Georgiana slurped and managed to take down just a little but it was enough that Charlotte felt some hope. Handing it back to Mrs. Griffith's she whispered. "Keep it warm by the fire. Every time she wakes she must have some."

Warrick watched her take charge and for hours he helped her lift and shift her patient and coax her to drink.

It was in the late afternoon that Charlotte laid her head down on the back of the chair she leaned on. Captain Warrick was reading on the other side.
"You are quite the nursemaid, Miss Heywood," he whispered as he gazed at the peacefully sleeping Georgiana who had better coloring.

Charlotte rolled her eyes. "No I am not, I just know what to do. My mother taught me well how to help keep my little brothers and sisters alive through the many illnesses we had."

Mrs. Griffith came in interrupting their conversation. and sighed relieved. "I drifted off, I was so tired. Is she well?" she fanned herself in the warmth of the bedroom. "She looks a little better I dare say!" she said sighing relieved.

Charlotte took a deep breath and turned. "I do believe she took a turn for the better."

Mrs. Griffith's looked to captain Warrick. "Can I interest either of you in some dinner?"

Charlotte shook her head. "Just some toast please."

Warrick shook his head to Mrs. Griffith's. "I have neglected my duties today to tend to Miss Lambe. Since she seems to be on the mend I should shove off."

Charlotte stood. "My sincerest thanks Aiden," she said using his Christian name.

He looked at her appreciatively and bid her good night.

Downstairs Warrick inquired on Mr. Sidney Parker.

"He had some sort of injury and is staying with Lord and Lady Babington." Mrs. Griffith answered. "I understand the night of the ball was a difficult one. We were quite left behind Georgiana and myself but we made do." she sniffed uncomfortably with the topic. "She was only stricken down last evening right before supper."

Warrick nodded. "I shall go take the news of her improvement to Lord and Lady Babington and check on Mr. Parker's wellbeing."

Mrs. Griffith's simpered. "Oh, you are too kind. Ever so helpful and caring of my charge. You have my thanks forever, kind sir."

He nodded. "Make sure Charl- Miss Heywood rests as well. It would be little good if she too were too stricken." He looked upstairs. "I will be by in the late morning to check on the patient and the nurse."

The carriage ride was slow on account of the bracing weather outside. It was snowing now, and it fell in piles.

Upon entering the Babington residence he apologized. "It is fearfully cold," he said shaking off his hat.

"Captain Warrick, what do we owe-" Lord Babington asked confused.

Captain Warrick looked around. "I brought news of Miss Lambe's condition for Mr. Sidney Parker."

Lady Babington came forward. Her dress was casual and loose. Almost seductive in the way it hung off her growing frame. "How is she?"

He smiled and looked at the two. "Mrs. Lambe was likely on death's door until Miss Heywood stepped in. Georgiana is quite improved and resting. But I am sure she is not out of the woods yet."

Lady Babington frowned and lopped her arm through her husband. "Let me guess, she learned of it from Mrs. Campion?' she asked.

Captain Warrick nodded. "Yes, we had Mrs. Campion over for dinner last night. She also mentioned that Mr. Parker was indisposed at the moment but I did not understand that it was some form of injury until just a short while ago. I have been at the Parker residence all day helping Char- Miss Heywood."

Lady Babington smiled and blinked as they listened. The wheels of her mind turned and when they did you could practically hear the grinding gears of her thoughts she was so obvious.

Lord Babington nodded. "Sidney is doing better. He has suffered a head injury of his own folly, but the physician that treated him has given him something for the swelling and laudanum for the pain. He sleeps deeply and will for perhaps another night."

Captain Warrick nodded. "Then there was no need for my coming. He is not even conscious to hear the message. I can assume he did not even know she was ill." he said uncomfortable.

Lord Babington nodded. "He has not been aware enough to be told that she was ill. We had no notion that it was severe."

Captain Warrick fiddled with his hand. "Well, then I will trouble you no further."

Lord Babington held out his hand. "Why don't you stay for dinner. It will be set soon."

Captain Warrick gave his thanks. "Lady Worcester will be concerned about Miss Heywood. I must to her to give her peace."

Lady Babington smiled and watched as the Captain left.

"Well, well, Miss Heywood," she whispered.

"What was that my dearest?" Lord Babington asked.

Lady Babington shook her head. "Seems Charlotte Heywood has another admirer... and arguably more wealthy, and well connected than Sidney at present."

Lord Babington laughed. "I highly doubt Captain Warrick is going to marry Charlotte."

Lady Babington pouted. "Maybe not. But this has just gotten infinitely more interesting," she said mischievously with a sideways smile.

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