Chapter 117

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Before long Sidney and Mabbin had both rode out of the town without a stable master chasing them down.

The roads were wet and and nearly washed out in places and could see where a carriage had ridden on a detour through rough land to go around.

The rains of the night had rendered the roads difficult for carriages he could see traces of wheels being stuck in the mud in many places. They were almost to Sanditon when he slowed and allowed the horses to breathe and rest while still plodding along.

"More rain is coming." the boys said behind him. "It is going to rain all night," Mabbin said squinting up to the sky which was cloudy but not ominous. "But it won't start till near supper. But by morning it will be pouring buckets."

Sidney nodded and looked up. "Yes, It does look like a heavy rain is about to fall."

As they turned a bend they found a carriage stuck and he smiled to see a familiar brown head sticking out of the window.

"Come," he felt his heart swell at the sight of her now instead of the sinking feeling he usually felt.

Charlotte turned her head behind the carriage and smiled back at him realizing who the rider was.

"I see you have caught up to me. We have gotten stuck, again." she sighed. "I had half a mind to walk after the last time."

Sidney nodded and hopped down off the horse and regarded her with a soft smile. "Charlotte," he said in greeting but did not linger at the carriage window and went to help as did Mabbin.

The young boy eyed Charlotte curiously. "She is the lady you fancy isn't she?" he asked as Charlotte came out of the carriage to lighten the load.

Sidney smiled shyly and looked ahead and did not answer while Charlotte blushed. "I am Miss Heywood, and who might you be?" She asked the boy.

The boy smiled and pulled off his hat nervously. "Mabbin Gimlic, Miss," he said.

Charlotte noticed the bruising on the side of the boy's face and she frowned. "And how is it that you have come by such an injury?" she asked pointedly

The young boy just dropped his face and shook his head. "Not all people are nice like Mr. Parker here. He has offered to find me a job in Sanditon."

Charlotte glanced at Sidney who did not speak and watched as the men moved the carriage from the big muddy hole.

"There is a goodly amount of work to be had. He was quite right to bring you," she said encouragingly.

"There, perhaps we can get you to the ball on time Miss Heywood," Sidney said as the carriage rocked out of the hole. He blushed and tried to not race to her and tell her he was free when he still had much to account.
Charlotte tried not to blush but his demeanor and eyes were different. He wasn't as restrained as he had been and the idea of that thrilled and frightened her. Something had changed about him and she heard Esther's warning about Sidney and how he was wreckless and unreliable he could be and she worried the gentle stalemate they had would alter.

He was nervous that this hope that blossomed inside him would wither and die again as it had twice before and a conversation with Lady Denham would put those fears to rest entirely. He had faith.

"At the ball, I hope-" he started but then changed the wording. "Suppose I should ask you for a dance?"

Charlotte looked to the young boy who was mounting the horse then back to him. Her eyes held both fear and timidity. If only she knew how he was feeling. So afraid to lose another chance, and fearful she would reject him for other reasons. He was, after all, a man of great fault.

She swallowed. "A dance, I-" she studdered. "Yes," she smiled and blinked nervously. "but we must get there first, and I must also wash off all this mud and try to look presentable," she said looking at the uneven and ripped hem of her petticoats and moved to the carriage.

He smiled and nodded offering her his hand eagerly. "Yes, Of course," he said as he let go and closed the door behind her after helping her inside. He flexed his hand as he went to his horse who was dancing happily around Lady Denham's mare and patted him to calm him so as he could mount.

If it had just been them alone he was not sure he could have contained himself. Had it not been for Mabbin or the driver's presence he might have asked her right then and there.

"I shall ride on ahead and watch out for places you could get stuck. With any luck I could get there in time to order a bath for you," he said with a happy smile. "Drive on," he said to the coachman.

She frowned in a confusion that his brooding mood was lifting, much like it had after they had collected Georgiana when it was she who was kidnapped the year before.

Charlotte had noted then something behind his eyes and expression that was there now. Like a secret that he only knew for sure but he hinted at. Just on the corner of his mouth or in the lines of a frown.

She could feel butterflies in her chest and she had to sit and breathe a moment as she looked out the window to the gathering weather bringing drama to the otherwise uneventful rolling landscape.

The rains were coming again and she was glad to nearly be back to Sanditon but nervous. More so than when she returned with her maid and Captain Warrick.

Though it had only been nearly ten days it had felt like an arduous journey of months not days. Her back hurt, and her mind throbbed and thanks for Sidney Parker her stomach also flipflopped.

Georgiana and Otis stayed in London which did not surprise her in the least. Her friend had never particularly liked Sanditon, and Otis had his paper to run. Which would so so much the better now he could fund it entirely.

Maybe if her friends were with her she would not suddenly feel so afraid.

There was a changing breeze on the wind and she wondered if it brought heartache or hope. Maybe a bit of both she mused as she watched Sidney and his young companion raced ahead through the window as the lane curved and allowed her a glimpse.

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