Chapter 130

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Esther was just sitting down to tea with Lady Worcester when Charlotte and Bell entered. Both looking a little disheveled.

"Goodness Charlotte, out for a walk in this weather?" she asked. The way she held herself betrayed the anxiety.

Charlotte shook her head and looked to the servants, one manservant and one maid who stood ready to serve.

"I need to speak to you in private," Charlotte said seriously.

Lady Worcester smiled and put her napkin down gently.

"Oh, I did not mean you," Charlotte said stopping her friend.

Esther nodded and watched as the servants left the large sitting room.

"Please, I hope it is good news," Esther said. "Please sit down."

Charlotte winced and slipped next to Lady Susan. "Esther," Charlotte began nervously. "Bell told me the servants are stealing the silver and whatever else of value they can find. She just took me to the buried and covered horde that has been lifted from Lady Denham's estate."

Esther looked at Bell and her mouth dropped open. Clearly upset and she stood. "The servants? As if my aunt did not have enough betrayal in her life, even those who served her are taking from her what they are not due..." she looked around the room to see if anything was missing and she noted a gold clock that once graced a shelf was gone, and a wooden clock from a guest bed-chamber was in its place so it was not visibly missed. She scanned the room more searching for more lost or misplaced items.

"Where are the items you found?" Esther asked.

Charlotte sighed. "I could not get them back into the house without possibly alerting the staff of it being found and put back to rights. The element of concealment might get the culprits caught in the act, which I believe to be Bell's idea."

Sitting back down Esther cursed. "Who are the thieves?"

Bell sat up straight. "I was watching the housekeeper and her helper Miss Brockinstile. I noticed they were acting strange and shuffling out of rooms they had every right to be in but acted as if they didn't." She said looking between the women she had been brought to talk with as an equal.

Lady Worcester frowned. "That would look suspicious." she agreed, putting down her cup.

Esther's face looked pointed in her displeasure. "They will be out on their ear this wet and chilly night with not a penny to their name," she said stomping.

Charlotte shook her head. "Should we not catch them in the act?" she said concerned.

Esther shrugged, "Why? We have enough to dismiss them. I know my aunt would have provided references for staff and a parting bonus on her death. They should not have the benefit of that if they are theiving and I am sure avoiding the scandal of theft under this roof and the ramifications of it are not needed at this time. ." Her words sliced to the quick. "No, we will do this now, and get them out of the house tonight."

Charlotte stood. "Wait!" she hurried after Esther with Bell and Lady Worcester retaining their decorum as they placed their cups down delicately to also follow but at a more patient pace.

In the foyer, Esther shouted. "Mrs. Bartell!"

Some servants startled and looked around surprised.

"Mrs. Bartell!" Esther said angrily as her husband appeared as well, called to the source of his wife's commotion and concern for her well being.

Shuffling into the archway stood the woman, older with streaked grey and black hair. Her stiff was back and head was high. "What can I do for you, Lady Babington?"

Esther looked her up and down with loathing. "Where is your helper, Miss Brockinstile?" she asked.

The woman frowned and looked briefly fearful. "She is doing an errand for me."

Esther frowned analyzing the woman's face stepping closer. Her hormones fueled her anger and impatience, her nose flaring as if sniffing out the truth.

Sidney walked in suddenly startling all of them who stood awaiting for the confrontation to unfold.

"What has happened?" Sidney asked taking his hat from his head.

Esther looked back again at the woman. "This woman has been caught stealing from Lady Denham." she accused.

Sidney looked at the assembled servants and peers. "What has she stolen?"

Esther looked to Charlotte who frowned and stepped forward. Explaining things to Sidney was never the easiest thing for her. "My maid followed the housekeeper and her helper to the forest where they hid a lot of silver, and other things I did not have the time to count," she said flustered.

Esther who had been glaring at the housekeeper who now looked concerned for her very freedom quaked.

Her voice higher now spoke in her defense. "I would never steal from Lady Denham. I have worked for her these thirty years strong. Indeed, I have only to tell her my innocence and all will be forgiven."

Esther shook her head. "You will never again see her. You will be sent from this house without severance, recommendation, or in the event of Lady Denahms death her parting bonus which I imagine would have been generous for one she believed to be so loyal." Her stance was predatory as she leaned in it was as if she could smell the intrigue on her. "You have stolen from yourself," she whispered coldly.

"Charlotte, Bell, please take Sidney to the park and show him where Miss Brockinstile would take her newest theft. I do believe we would find her in the act," she said confidently.

Sidney looked to Charlotte briefly as they both moved swiftly out of the house together with Bell fetching Charlotte's and her own still damp coats now leaving decorum at the door she dashed after them. The rain was still misting heavily.

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